The Lightcaller Chronicles: Part 6

in #dandd7 years ago

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The Death House..... That is where everything really started. Once the mists had brought me to Barovia my life was never the same again.

There was five of us outside that house making our way in. Five of us that entered into the house, but little did I know at that time was that not everyone would make it out of that house alive. The events that took place in the house still haunt me to this day, but this house was only the beginning. Little did I know was that the worst was still to come.

We all made our way into the home, through the front door, except for the weird ass Kenku who I came to know was called Howler. The first floor was surprisingly tidy, it was odd seeing as this home appeared to have been abandoned for quite a long time, there was not a spec of dust to be found anywhere. Everything was in good condition and seemed to bear a family crest, most of the items had windmills on them.

We all split up as we examined the main floor, I made way to the back of the house where I ended up in the kitchen. They had a fully stocked pantry so I decided to stock up in food while I was there. I figured why not, no one seemed to be coming back to eat it any time soon. I made my way back to the entrance way, and saw Howler make his way out of the front room. It appeared that he decided to climb in through the front window. Then I heard the cat call out from a room in the back.

I ran over to see what was going on. It appeared to be an office with book shelves filled to the brim. That's not why the cat called out, turns out he found a secret room hidden behind one of the book shelves. It had a desk and more shelves which were filled with books on necromatic rituals. After a quick search of the room I decided that there wasn't much of value or any use in there so I decided to leave the cat to it and head up stairs.

As I made my way to and up the stairs I decided to look and see what everyone else was up to. The Tiefling, who I learned was named Iliad, was heading to the back room with the cat and the Orc and Kenku were examining the front room. I reached the top of the stairs and the first thing I see is this hulking form in full plate armor. My heart skipped a beat, then I realized that it was just some armor and that there were multiple suits all over the place. Just as I was about to go and head down the hallway it moved.

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At first I thought that it was just my imagination but then it took a step forward and struck my with the sword that I never noticed before. It hit hard, I was reeling from the strike. I hit it with a bolt of fire then turned tail and ran back down the stairs yelling for help, and when I say ran I mean I ran like a little bitch. There was no way that I was going to be able to take this thing on all by myself.

I booked it down the stairs with this thing hot on my heels, as I made it near the bottom I heard a loud crack and saw the orc standing there with her smoking musket. The next thing I see it Iliad come running out of the back with the cat and start hacking at this thing. I stop at the bottom turning around and try blasting it with a bolt of fire again. It took a while but we all managed to take this thing down.

Once we were sure that it wasn't going to get back up and kill us we all decided to head up the stairs and start searching the rooms. We didn't find to much until Howler opened a broom closet. Everyone else seemed to be searching the other rooms so I was the only one that heard the squawk. I rushed over to see what was going on and looked in to see Howler on the floor, passed out, and a broom of all things standing over him. Now this looked serious but to be honest I was laughing my ass off, on the inside, seeing that Howler got his ass kicked by a broom of all things.

I hit the broom with with a few bolts of fire and the thing was destroyed easily enough. Once I was sure that the threat was taken care of, a broom ha ha ha, I checked on Howler to make sure he would be fine. Once I was sure he could be safely moved I brought him over to the master bedroom and called everyone over. After some discussion we decided that this would be the right time to take a short rest, have some food and wait for Howler to wake. Let me tell you that we all were dying from laughter at the fact that the bird got beaten up by a broom, a freaking broom!

Little did I know that only a few hours later things would start to go bad.

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