The Lightcaller Chronicles: Part 5

in #dandd7 years ago

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Tadriel just brought word to me this morning. I am being summoned to appear before the council in 11 days. It seems those bastards have finally decided my fate. No matter the decision I am just going to be glad that this wait will finally be over and I will be able to move on from this crap...

Anyways where was I?

Ahh yes the Death House....

Once the mists finally receded enough that I could see past the end of my nose I was somewhere else. I was standing in the middle of a gravel road. The first thing that I noticed though was the house... It was right there in front of me. It didn't seem like anything special but I couldn't take my eyes off of it...

It had a presence that drew you to it but also gave you a sense of foreboding. It was an old 4 story home nestled among others but this one drew your eye to it. It was old and run down and didn't seem that well maintained. It had balconies on the third floor, and the little yard was overgrown with weeds.

The other homes and buildings were all boarded up tight and there was no signs of life in this little hamlet until I noticed 4 other figures appear from the mists. I couldn't make out any details about them until they got closer but they all seemed as confused as I was and didn't seem to have arrived together. The first to come closer was a Tiefling. He was a little odd, his skin had a bluish tint to it and he was clad in a black robe, he didn't seem to really have any gear on him.

Next was a orc, she had to be one of the baddest looking orcs that I have ever seen. At first I thought she was a male, it wasn't until later that I discover that the orc was really a female, in my defense all orcs kinda look the same. The fist thing that I noticed about here were the weapons. I had never seen a orc with a musket before and she looked like she had lots of experience with it, you could tell by the way that she carried it.

Then out of the mists appeared the cat, the damn kleptomaniac cat. If it was shiny and you didn't have it bolted down he would steal it, and even then he would try to anyways. I was a little shocked to see a cat that walked on 2 legs and looked almost human. It wasn't until later that I remembered reading about his race, they are called Tabaxi, though I had never seen one before. He had this odd skittish look to him and seemed full of energy. He just couldn't seem to stand still.

As I was trying to make out the group in front of me i noticed something out of the corner of my eye. At first I thought it was the mists but then I started to make out details. It was a human sized crow, wearing a robe and lurking around the buildings at the edge of the mists. If a walking cat wasn't bad enough now we have a walking crow. I later discovered that they are called Kenku. They are one of the oddest races that I have ever seen, they can't speak, well they don't have their own voices to be exact. They mimic sounds and words that they have heard perfectly and communicate with people that way. I felt that I was going to come to like this guy.

That was everyone, as we were looking around we all started trying to figure out where we where. It turns out that everyone was mysteriously transported here by the strange mist that suddenly appeared. It was weird this mist, it seemed like it was trying to draw us into the house, you couldn't get far before you started to hear voices and see figures in it. As I was talking to the rest of the group trying to figure what happened I looked back and saw 2 children.

I swear they weren't there before, they seemed to have just appeared there. I noticed that there seemed to be something upsetting them so I approached them and talked to them to find out what the matter was. They told me that their names were Rose and Thorne. They lived in the creepy house and that there was a monster in there. There parents managed to trap it in the basement and were still in there along with there baby brother whose was still in his room on the third floor. I told them that I would help them and not to worry.

I looked back to the others and asked them to come and help. The Tiefling agreed and the rest didn't seem to care so I thanked the Tiefling and looked back to Rose and Throne. They were gone. They seemed to just disappear into the mist the same way they appeared. It was strange, but I figured that they had somewhere safe to stay so I headed into the old creepy house. Looking back I noticed that everyone but the Kenku was following.

Little did I know going in that not everyone would be making it out......

Thank you all for reading. I hope that you are enjoying it and I promise to have the next part posted in a couple of days.


I love your post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote. I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks! Im glad you liked it.

Its your original writing right? I read the part one that you posted few months ago. Nice story men keep it up...

Yes it is his original writing, he is my room mate and one of the other players in the dungeons and dragons campaign that I play :)

Thanks! It is original. Its based of a d&d campaign rhay we are playing.

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