The Lightcaller Chronicles: Part 3

in #dandd7 years ago

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Okay seriously this is just getting ridiculous! Its been three long ass months and still nothing. How long does it take to make a decision, seriously.

Anyways where was I? Oh ya!

So the last thing I remembered was holding my mentors lifeless body and Manshoon accusing me of the murder he committed then darkness.

Next thing I know I groggily woke up in darkness. As I slowly came to I realized a couple of things. First I appeared to be chained to a wall in the crypt. Second there was someone in there with me. Third it was that bastard Manshoon.

"What the hell do you want, and why am I chained to a wall?"

"Me? I want nothing from you. I have all I need, and as to why you are chained it's because you murdered Elandre."

"You bastard I know you did it, I will make sure that you pay for this!!"

Chuckling Manshoon says "Really, I've already gotten away with this. While you were unconscious we already held judgement on you. You were seen holding his body with his blood on your hands. You were found guilty and now its up to me as the new leader to determine your judgement."

"You wont get away with this. I will make sure they question the body. I will fight this with my dying breath!"

"Alas when I questioned the body he laid the blame on you, unfortunately I was the only one that was there for that and the priest mysteriously disappeared. Good thing they took my word on it" He said with an evil grin.

"You fucker!! I will make sure you pay for this!"

"Alas there is nothing that you can do. I have already decided your fate, you are to be cast out immediately. You are hereby a heretic and are banned from any temple dedicated to Mystra." With that Manshoon started the casting of a spell.

"I will make you pay! Even if it takes me a hundred years you will pay for your crimes!!"

As I finished speaking Manshoon completed his spell and the room faded away as I was whisked away......

Thank you all for reading! I will try to get another one out by the end of the week.


Interesting read! Jumping in and not seeing what came before, I still feel I need to know the outcome. Cool!

Thank you. I will make sure to get more out as soon as i can.

Are you putting these into a book?

I don't know just yet. This is my first time writing stories like this. I am pulling ideas from already established books so probably not. I may look at doing that once i do something more original. I just want to worm on my writing first.

I think your writing is very readable and makes me want to read more, so please carry on and keep us intrigued!

I will keep them comming as soon as my arms all healed up. Thanks!

Hope it heals quickly for you.

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