Interactive Dance Weekend is Back! Euro Trash - Interact With Us!
Dance Weekend is Live
What about getting rid of my usual Trance and Techno bollocks :-) and presenting some Euro Trash that no one commits to like officially? Let us have some fun and get into Dance Mood - if you are old enough to like that feel invited to post in the comments songs of your choice - let us have a little party for at least the next 60 Minutes or the next 60 hours! Come On guys - ideally we keep that post active over the entire weekend!
Note - this post will be update during the Weekend!
EDIT - Saturday Starting Some more Trash Dance
Austria has some stuff to offer - DÖF
Actually a German-Austrian co production:
DÖF - Codo
Spain's Ivan
Not a Russian Act even one might think - Spanish production.
Romania Princess!
I know her personally and she is really NICE!
Weden - this is for @twinner - Sweden! Leila K.
Starting with a Girls Songs
Denmark (not again) but hey - they produced some cool Trash in Europe.
Aqua - Barbie Girl
Sweden - Crazy but Cool
Alcazar - Crying At The Discoteque
UK is Next (German production though)
ATC - All Around The World (la la la la la la la la)
US Armed Forces ruled German Music
They all stayed here and got produced in Darmstadt / Frankfurt like this:
*Captain Jack - Captain Jack *
SATURDAY and more DANCE - Post got updated with some Austrian and Spanish Trash (spotted for visibility that we get started into Day 2 Dance Weekend.
Austria has some stuff to offer - DÖF
Actually a German-Austrian co production:
DÖF - Codo
Spain's Ivan
Not a Russian Act even one might think - Spanish production.
Wer kennt das noch? Uwe, du bestimmt, oder?
Ganz hoch in vielen Charts damals - und als junger Teenie habe ich es geliebt - aber a bisserl trashig ist des fei scho', gell ;-)
oh ja - kenn ich! Aber echt alt :-)
Wir sind ja auch keine 20 mehr ;-)
Der Typ, der das gemacht hat, hat später mit "Jack To The Sound Of The Underground" noch einen Knaller gelandet. Auch aus Holland.
And the best one ever:
OMG.......indeed Trash aber die Weiber find es genial
Mega - trashig - aber wenn's 1x im Ohr ist... ;-)
Already mentioned it in chat...
really liked at the time (probably because of the gurlz)
I agree on the girls thing by 100%!
Das ist für mich trashig, aber sowas von:
Trash confirmed :-)
Ein anderes Urteil hätte mich auch schwer überrascht... hihihi
Ich muß gleich mal meine Kiddies zu Bett bringen.
Währenddessen werde ich noch etwas grübeln....
Mir fällt bestimmt noch was ein :-)
What a sweet boy!
My piece of trash for tonight
Aijaijaijaijai - Awesome Mr. Twinner.......
Another trash song
Oh die Holländer, der in der Mitte ist @roelandp - ganz links @edje und rechts @vandeberg
Mal sehen ob notifications funktionieren!
ne, das sind @shla-rafia, @wingz (ohne Bart) und @daniel.errey
Haha! Passt!
Trashig, aber lustig ;-)
Boom Boom Boom,
with trash to da moon...
Hier geiler Trash von den Niederländern :-)!! Go Go