Dance Weekend Steem Bounty (10 SBD) - Show us Dance from your country

in #danceweekend6 years ago (edited)


Dance Weekend wants your local Moves - how can you be rewarded?

Hiya Steemians - As promised I am handling one contest or bounty post per week around one (or even more) the below music tags. Last week it was Techno Friday - this week Dance Weekend is the topic. Last week over 40 Steemians got rewarded by the Bounty Post. So get into Dance Mood and engage - the bounty is about to get started. As outlined already there could be more of such posts depending on the engagement we see. So the more engagement, the more contests or higher bounties.

This week you are invited to show Dance Music / Moves from your country or where you live. Readers and creator of the post will decide via their votes how the Bounty amount will be spread. Be creative and do not spam.

Important: You have over SIX days to get engaged so take your time - I will not vote all comments immediately :-)

What You Should Do

Read this post - think what you could comment that fits Dance from the place you come from. This can be a photo, video or plain written text as long as it covers the topic. The readers, the community will finally decide what they like by upvoting your comment - feel also free to write own posts using the Dance Weekend tag and I will make sure to run around and up vote them - let us maintain the music community here one of the best in view of the hopefully soon coming Hivemind aka Steemit Communities.

German Dance Style here

Tough to start this living in Germany, we are not extremely famous for our body movement capabilities as such but Germany has some local dance styles - I am showing you the Schuhplattler. The first one here is the extended the version, the so called "Schuhplattler Holzhacker Tanz".

This is a typical German dance - mainly performed in Bavaria (but also in Austria to be honest and fair). The locals usually wear traditional Bavarian costumes. The dance was originally used to woe women into marrying a man. While the dance men are clapping their hands and are slapping their thighs while jumping up and down with the rhythm of the music. Looks funny for people from abroad, even for Germans not living in Bavaria. The dance is still or again popular especially amongst youngsters, who love its colorful costumes and its bouncing, leaping, kicking and choreographed horseplay.

Steem Bounty explained

Steem-Bounty is an initiative by the fab Steemian called @knircky - the bounty is a tool to reward readers based on their engagement In a nutshell get engaged with useful comments and you might get rewarded by the Steem Bounty amount someone pays for the posts, most of the time this is he creator of the post. Check the announcement post for all the rules:

But do not abuse bounty posts it with shitty / spammy / stolen comments as you could land on a black list if the creator down votes your comment, so make sure you actually engage and do not spam.

Feel free to post using #DanceWeekend about your favourite Dance Music - the tag is open to any genre across the World - just keep it original!

Sources: Wikipedia and YT


I live in the Netherlands and I would like share the Dutch traditional dance. The video has all the details about the dance + the dance itself, so I would not write much. However, I would like to mention that Dutch wear special type of shoes during their traditional dance, which you can see in the video. Have fun :)

Originally I am from Pakistan, and I want to share one of the folk dances called Balochi dance. Pakistan has several different folk dances because of several different cultures. Enjoy

Beautiful colorful dresses. I have watched another Pakistani dance called Khatak dance. That also one of the traditional dances of the Northern areas of Pakistan.

Greatly interesting post! Gave great information about different cultural dances. I am sharing the American folk dance.

That's interesting, especially their dress and shoes. Dancing with style :)

Folk dance of Croatia

"The dance was originally used to woe women into marrying a man."

I wish this was done in the USA as well. It would be far more interesting to see the proposals and dance moves. LOL :)


The most popular dance in Africa {Azonto}
Over the past year, a new dance craze has popped onto the Ghanaian music scene and has been making waves across West Africa and beyond.
It is called "Azonto" and calls for dancers to sort of act out their occupation. It has spread out of Ghana and has become a rage in Ghanaian communities in the US and Britain.
This dance has gone viral and has been trending for years now, it’s very smooth in dancing, very relaxing and exercising, very exciting and fun filled

If you haven’t heard of it yet, I’m sure your Africans friends have. Pronounced, “ah, zone, toe”, kind of rhyming with “I don’t know” , Azonto is on its way to becoming one of the most popular dances world wide.
Originated in Ghana, Azonto is an expressive dance, where you can basically do what ever you want while moving to the rhythm. Some popular moves include mimicking the following activities: washing your clothes by hand, calling out a girl you find attractive, making a phone call, and boxing. Sounds humorous, but so does “the moon walk”, and that seemed to impress people.

Azonto has blown up on youtube. From tutorials, to skits, to music videos, to battles, to Azontoing in public across the globe, Azonto is penetrating the international dance market rapidly.

Instructional Video

this dance is popular in estonia :) oige and vasemba

Here in the Netherlands we like dance, techno etc. So this is definitely our dances:

and for hardstyle the hardhuffle + Jumpstyle are pretty awesome:

Bonus: Just a cool guy in Germany: Techno Viking!

Oh damn yeah! Good old Hardsytle!

I love the good old shuffling moves, here a comparison of Lmfao "shuffle" and the real shuffle :)

But they made it even more popular ;)


Schuhplattler LimeSoda Style ;)

In my country, the "Joropo" is a traditional form of music and dance that completely identifies the Venezuelan. The Joropo is currently an emblematic symbol of Venezuelan national identity, its music is accompanied by "arpa, cuatro and maracas", musical instruments that can appreciate the background of the dancers.

that is pretty cool.

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