Maplestory Music Motivation Memories danceweekend

in #danceweekend6 years ago (edited)

Maplestory fans rejoice! Your time has come to relive every single moment of the wonderful game you remember, and get things done because of it.

Maplestory Music Motivation Memories danceweekend fitinfun.jpg

My son, @bxlphabet got me into this game in the early 00's and I played for a few months. He play much longer than me. I came to my senses when I realized I was a 40+ year old lady playing a a game with middle schoolers and stopped.

But the music was the best! This is the hook @bxlphabet used to get me, "You will love the music, Mommy. It's just what you like." And he was right.

It's not just me! I stripped some you tube comments to show you I am not crazy to be thrilled to find this music.

maplestory comments.PNG

2 Hours Maplestory Study Music

This first video is the one I have on repeat. It's all the uplifting Maplestory Power Music to tell you - Yes! You can do it! You will succeed!

Oh, the warm thoughts I have through this video! The uploader has done an outstanding job of screen captures, so if you hear a tune, you can click to the video and look at where you would have been in the game. Then you might be bawling when you see it.

It feels like home.

I even love the peppy Christmas music at the end of this one. I think that was one of the best Christmases I had with my son. We had non-stop Maplestory for Christmas break that year.

maplestory comments 2.PNG

The Relaxing Songs

The first moment of this video brings the "Aw!" Then it gets better for two hours!

maplestory comments 3.PNG

Now you are ready to 10 hours of Maplestory!!!

maplestory comments 4.PNG

That's my girl!

I see myself on a Maplestory jag now for months, if not years.

My photo editing sessions are outstanding right now!

And yes, @uwelang, Maplestory music is appropriate for #danceweekend. I definitely dance though a lot of this. Sometimes I get up for a minute, but often I do chair workouts. My dancing is not for fun even though it is.

I dance in front of my computer for a lot of my exercise. I tell this to people all the time and they do not seem impressed but it works for me.

Why I Dance for exercise

  • I will do it
  • I like to do it
  • No one is here to pick on me or laugh at me
  • I don't have to go anywhere
  • I can keep working (read and dance)
  • I gets me up for 5 minutes
  • I can find good, easy videos quickly

Sometimes I put my feet up on the wall after that since I'm fighting edema. Now I have Maplestory going for that nice time! I do this twice a day usually - sometimes more.

Read a bit of my weight loss story and be inspired. Anyone can get healthy if I did.


(watch my 7 second video by @zeroooc and #steemgigs. I use steemgigs service by @surppasinggoogle and you should too. Steemians helping each other )

The whole Napoleon Dynamite movie is highly recommended.

Love you @bxlphabet! You know what your mom is listening to now. Thinking of you even more than usual.


Haha what an amusing post. Yes many hours spent having fun on that game, it was a thrilling thing to be a part of and over-all worth it. That christmas break was a fun one. I remember all the friends we had would not believe that you were my mom playing with us. So many memories from that game, glad to see this post. Yes the music is amazing.

I hope you work to it like I do, honey :)

It’s been so long since I’ve played this game! Makes me want to play again :).

Me too! When I see the worlds, I remember the bridges and ladders perfectly.

well its nice blog and wonderful steeming about musical @fitinfun. all the best and keep it up

Next time you need to get some work done on the computer, you know where to come!

Thanks for reply.

Another great post @fitinfun thanks so much.

You're welcome. I see you are getting active on here. You have a good niche with the crypto for sure.

Wow nice music .
And great music videos
Thanks for sharing

This nice post i like it music.. thanks for sharing..

That is great fitinfun
alltime following to you carry on dear
best wish to you

Ohhhh my dear friend @fitinfun
Your are so kindly ...Great music over all..
I appreciate to see this blog...
Carry on your own activity ...
Thanks for sharing ...

Great post!

Wonderful one

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