DanceWeekend - Kurt Cobain/Nirvana

in #danceweekend6 years ago

Kurt Cobain


For today's #danceweekend I want to be an artist who died about 24 years ago. At #danceweekend I understand all the music you can dance on, so sometimes something other than electronic music.

As I said, Kurt Cobain died about 24 years ago. I do not want to talk about his death. His death was just something that was expected. He was not strong enough to be the leader of his generation, the Generation X as he was called. Because of the pressure he has destroyed himself and the only thing left from him is his music.

His band, Nirvana has made grunge great as music and Smells Like Teen Spirit has brought them world fame.


für das heutige #danceweekend möchte ich ein Künstler das vor ungefähr 24 Jahre starb. Unter #danceweekend verstehe ich alle Musik auf dem man tanzen kann, darum auch manchmal etwas anderes als elektronische Musik.

Wie gesagt, vor ungefähr 24 Jahre ist Kurt Cobain gestorben. Ich möchte nicht über sein Tod sprechen. Sein Tod war nur etwas das geahnt worden ist. Er war nicht kräftig genug um die Leitfigur seiner Generation, der Generation X zu sein wie er genannt wurde. Wegen des Drucks hat er sich selbst zerstört und das einzige was von ihm bleibt ist seine Musik.

Seine Band, Nirvana hat Grunge als Musik groß gemacht und Smells Like Teen Spirithat ihnen Weltruhm gebracht.

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Anoter hit was Come As You Are

Ein weiteres Hit war Come As You Are

Nirvana - Come As You Are

Personally, I noticed Nirvana through the MTV Unplugged concerts. I find most of the songs in the unplugged version much better than the originals.

Persönlich ist mir Nirvana durch die MTV Unplugged Konzerte aufgefallen. Ich finde die meisten Lieder in der Unplugged Version viel besser als die Originale.

Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World (MTV Unplugged)

Nirvana - About A Girl (MTV Unplugged)

Nirvana - All Apologies (MTV Unplugged)



Kurt is my all-time favourite artist.

It is unfortunate that an artist who moves so many, died so young ...

Thanks for reminding me of this band! It was the first rock band I have ever listened to... I was in 4th grade and we were having a party at the school before the Christmas vacation and a colleague of mine played a cassette with Nirvana's album "Unplugged in New York". I was instantly mesmerised by the songs and for the next 15 years I was converted to listening mainly rock music :D

He died, but left something great behind, his music legacy. This is why it is important not to fear death, but rather fear whether our legacy will be remembered after we die.

Yes it was my favourite highschool band. We had something called rockoteca back then, a place where you could dance on rock music :)

Nirvana is my favourite band, me and my friends always plays Nirvana song when on the stage. Nirvana is one of the Grunge band that influence many people on that era... R.I.P. Kurt! and Thanks to @alexvan for sharing :)

This is nice

Oh was für eine schöne Erinnerung... als ich etwa 10 kam in meiner Generation Nirvana voll auf. Und ich glaube in der heutigen Generation der 10-jährigen ist sie auch wieder da.

ich war wirklich sehr begeistert von der Musik und dem Spirit, der von Kurt Cobain ausgestrahlt wurde, dabei wusste ich lange weder, dass er tot ist, noch warum...

Einfach grandiose Musik, danke für die Bereicherung meines Nachmittages!

Definitely one of the most influential and important bands of all time and was fortunate to see them twice in 1992. One of the venues had a capacity of 2000 and that performance is in my top 20 all time live gigs. I understand how those that favour other genres prefer the unplugged version of Nirvana's songs over originals. I doubt any Nirvana fan would agree with you, that's why you would struggle finding anyone that wasn't a fan in some capacity.

I doubt any musician in there early 20s would be ''strong enough to be the leader of their generation'', i believe he could of if given the chance to mature. Kurt Cobain did not destroy himself, that discussion is for another day.

Gone to soon.

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