BALLET: My big Passion - Mi gran Pasión

in #dance7 years ago

BALLET: My passion ❤️ Mi pasión

In my previous posts I've shown you some of my hobbies as traveling or wine tasting. Today I'll write about one of my passions since I was a kid: Ballet or classic dancing.

En mis pasados posts, os he mostrado algunas de mis aficiones, como viajar o disfrutar de la cata de vinos. Hoy escribiré de otra de mis grandes aficiones desde que era pequeña:el ballet o danza clásica.

When I was a kid I went to ballet lessons, but I stooped going very young, given that I started doing other after school activities. I've always had in mind going back to these lessons, but in the city where I'm living I hadn't the chance because there were no academies here. Was about for years ago when my daughter's ballet teacher told my that they were thinking in giving lessons to adults. I started then and nowadays I keep doing it with 7 other mums/adults.

Cuando era pequeña tomé clases de ballet pero lo dejé muy pronto, ya que me dediqué a otras actividades extraescolares. Siempre había tenido en mente retomarlo una vez fuese adulta, pero en la ciudad en la que vivo no había tenido oportunidad ya que en ninguna academia o escuela de danza tenía la posibilidad de ir a clases. Fue hace unos 4 años cuando propuse a la que entonces era la profesora de ballet de mi hija que podría abrir una clase para adultos y, a día de hoy, aquí sigo tomando clases con otras 7 mamás/adultas.

One of my big challenges is to see me on point shoes being more than 30 years old and after 20 years without practicing ballet, but at the end of the day if you work hard... You can achieve anything!!! This way, step by step, I've been recovering my elasticity, my balance, my ability of remembering the steps, choreographies and, above all, my ability of doing it enjoying every moment.

Uno de mis grandes retos era verme subida a unas zapatillas de punta teniendo más de 30 años, y siendo que llevaba más de 20 sin practicar ballet pero, como en todo, si te esfuerzas lo suficiente ¡se puede conseguir cualquier cosa! De esta manera, poco a poco he ido recuperando mi elasticidad, mi equilibrio, mi facilidad para recordar pasos y coreografías y, sobreotodo, mi capacidad de hacerlo disfrutando de la danza.

I love enjoying the dance, something that I love and keep me fit. I can tell you that dancing, you work muscles that you don't even know you had!!! So, if you have a goal to achieve in mind, go for it. We're able to do anything, we just have to make the decision.

Me encanta poder disfrutar de algo que me apasiona tanto como la danza y que a la vez me permite estar en forma. Os aseguro que con el ballet, se trabajan músculos ¡que no sabías ni que tenias! Así que si tienes en mente cualquier objetivo, ve a por ello. Nosotros somos capaces de cualquer cosa, sólo tenemos que proponérnoslo.

Pictures taken by @mdcomes




Thanks for sharing, following you now

Thank you so much @crypto-p!

Graceful !! beautiful :))

Thanks for your kind comment @deepti

ballet has become your passion. when you said, "I love enjoying the dance, something that I love and keep me fit. I can tell you that dancing, you work muscles that you don't even know you had"
it comes second nature to you after so much practicing and you fall in love with it

Thanks a lot for your comment @mdog

I agree with having the right state of mind as a means to achieve your goals. I've written about a similar thing in my blogs that you might find interesting. I especially like the photo of your feet touching, good composition. Upvoted and followed.

Thank you for your kind comment @phoblographer

wow! q lindo! upvoted and follow!

Awesome post! I've got 2 sisters that are into ballet

Eres una caja de sorpresas Lola!
Una afición muy bella!

Your dancing post is so elegant and beautiful! Like Ballet!

Thank you for your comment!

Un arte precioso! Gracias por el articulo :)

Me alegra que te guste! @herverisson

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