Globalist Neo-feudalism Agenda Explained!

in #dakini5d7 years ago (edited)

First, here is a quick reminder of how Wells Fargo Bank routinely engages in massive fraud:

And here's a longer one, if you're interested:

At the end of 2017 Wells Fargo is still in business despite this widespread criminal activity. That's because this is how banks function. They steal our wealth and make us poor. For a great explanation of how this works, go to We are taught to spend money verses leveraging debt, which is what people do to achieve success in the ponzi scheme that is fiat currency in the corporate federal reserve banking system that has been toppling countries and economies worldwide for the last two centuries.

But, I digress...

In 2007 when the real estate market began tanking and mortgage fraud started being exposed, I was horrified to realize that the Deep State was going for a feudal model in Western countries using illegal foreclosures as the weapon. The United States and other Western countries were meant to become nations of renters, with the banks owning all our property and land. Along with socially engineered austerity measures foisted upon us under the guise of sustainability and "climate change" laws (see: Agenda 2030), we were meant to end up living like the poorer people of Hong Kong:

In San Francisco, CA, people are already renting out walk-in closets in their apartments for upwards of $500 per month just to, on the one hand, find an affordable place to sleep, and on the other hand, the owners need to pay their astronomical and fraudulent mortgages. We already have several "sustainable" cities considering public-private partnership to build such cubicles for "the homeless". And guess who that is meant to be? Most of us. Just as the Clinton-created private prison industry (another public-private partnership scam) gave us the highest prison population of any country on earth, so will the "homeless housing" industry require homeless people. Which was the plan all along with agenda 2030. The private-public partnership is crony capitalist fascism invented by the Council on Foreign Relations thirty years ago when they first began implementing Agenda 2030. Here is a brief explanation of the Agenda 2030 plan if you are not familiar with it:

Serfdom is to be the neo-fascist model and one by one countries are falling prey to and being toppled by the predatory bankster cabal. Any country resisting the federal reserve banking cartel and its fake fiat currency is being attacked and overthrown. Most recently was the attempt to overthrow Syria and Yemen. We are seeing what has happened to Western society since Obama and Clinton took down Libya. Each of the Western countries has experienced massive consolidation of wealth and power since the real estate crash of 2008. The only exception is Iceland, whose citizens demanded the resignations of top politicians, demanded the arrests of the top bankers and refused to bail out the banks. You can learn about that here:

In this special report, Alex Jones explains this concept very clearly. The explanation of neo-feudalism begins at minute 13 if you want to skip right to it:

One person who has been fighting the banks, exposing mortgage fraud and attempting to prosecute Wells Fargo is Leighton Ward. Leighton Ward is a lawyer who has been imprisoned for 180 days without being charged after bringing lawsuits against Wells Fargo for mortgage fraud. He is a hero in the fight against the banksters and needs our support. You can watch the video below for information. Thanks to Kerry Cassidy for this Project Camelot Interview. Please consider helping to publicize and free Leighton Ward. To learn more about Sovereignty and the work of David-Wynn: Miller, go to

Free Leighton Ward! Arrest the Banksters! @dakini5d


Oh no.
I knew/ know ALL banks are corrupt but I ( @chelsea88 ) do all my personal banking there in addition to they are financing my car 😲

I hear you. Its a big all-encompassing black hole they've sucked us into. Watch for identity-theft and consider switching to a local credit union that has a good reputation. Check out if you want to get some great advice on this from Catherine Austin Fitts, the economist who exposed HUD for stealing trillions from taxpayers. She's amazing. I am sure a local credit union will be happy to refinance your car loan! Have a great Sunday, Chelsea!

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