Eric Schmidt and DARPA: GOOGLE Was Developed by DARPA w/Taxpayer $ to Create Full-Spectrum Technological Social Control of Humanity

in #dakini5d6 years ago (edited)

American Intelligence Media gives an incredible break down on Schmidt, Alphabet, Google and election meddling, $1.5 billion contribution to Hillary's campaign, the manipulation of the Google algorithm to promote Hillary in the election. Darpa is the true originator of Google. Schmidt, who started out at Bell Labs, a Darpa business cut out, began Google with the absolute intention of developing technological social control systems. The true reason Schmidt is leaving Google is because he has graduated to the next level: developing Motorola's robot army.

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Thanks for viewing my post Stemians. It's imperative that we support the development of a decentralized Internet and break free from DARPA-net and the attempt's of the transhumanist Cabal to enslave us. @dakini5d


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Most people don't have a clue what's placed in front of them, until it's TOO LATE. :-\

I pray that its not too late, @jaye-irons, and that Schmidt's assets get seized along with the rest of the deep state criminals. Thanks for the comment and yes, I agree, people have preferred to be in denial for too long and its crucial that they wake up and we all stand our ground.

Resteemed, upvoted & followed you @dakini5d!
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wow very good ingormation..
Really very sad if is news when true
thank you @dakini5d for share this newd

Yes, this is serious information. Thanks for your comment, @kawsar

thnx for your reply
dear friend @dakini5d

If this is true, then it's really sad about what's going behind the scenes in these companies

It's true, @leczy, unfortunately and I know its so disappointing when we learn how hateful these people are

unstable artical. really super


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