BREAKING: Dina Habib Powell, Deputy National Security Advisor, To Leave the Trump Administration!

in #dakini5d7 years ago (edited)

Only two days after President Trump announced his intention to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, the former Goldman Sachs banker, Dina Habib Powell, who has been central in the Middle East negotiation efforts under the Trump administration, has announced that she will be leaving the White House. Powell's departure comes at a critical juncture for the Middle East Peace process, after President Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and unrest has broken out in the Holy City.

Powell's departure from Trump's White House is the most significant official to quit the Trump administration since former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon decided to leave the administration in August.

Powell, a Muslim who emigrated from Egypt when she was a child, was a former Goldman Sachs banker and as advisor to President George W Bush, she became the youngest person, at 29 years old, to assist a sitting President. Powell is also a close confidante of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner and has had strong political ties with Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton. Here is a brief video profile of Dina Powell:

Will General HR McMaster be the next one to go? Dina Powell was pinpointed back in August, along with General McMaster, as leaking negative information from the White House regarding the "Russiagate" disinformation campaign and ordering surveillance on the entire Trump family.

Could there be a connection to Powell's resignation and the Wasserman-Schultz/Awan brothers scandal? What are her ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and former President Obama's recent treasonous meetings with world leaders in Asia? More connections are likely to be exposed in the weeks to come as the purge of deep state elements in the White House continues.

Here is a reminder of what came out about Powell and McMaster last summer:

MiKe Cernovich reported today on INFOWars that Dina Habib Powell was discovered to be the leaker of a fake story to the New York Times that tried to frame Rex Tillerson. This was a deep state coup to strong arm Tillerson out of his position so that the deep state could insert Nikki Haley as Secretary of State. Dina Habib Powell would then be rewarded with the position of US/UN ambassador. Cernovich further reported that both Powell and HR McMaster opposed the move of Israel's capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (This INFOWars segment will be added as soon as it becomes available at Habib Powell's resignation comes days after Nikki Haley's recent failed efforts, as the US ambassador to the UN, to push through the United Nation's agenda to force the United States to accept 300 million "refugees" from Islamic countries over the next decade, which would have nearly doubled the population in the United States with primarily Muslim people, permanently altering American culture. Will Nikki Haley "decide to leave" the administration soon as well?

According to Roger Stone, reporting on The War Room, Dina Powell was first suggested for her current position as deputy national security advisor by Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC's weekday morning broadcast show Morning Joe along with Joe Scarborough. Mika Brzezinski is the daughter of Zbigniew "Zbig" Brzezinski, the Polish-American diplomat and political scientist/globalist social engineer who served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968. He also held the position of National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981 under President Carter and most recently was a central "unofficial" advisor to former President Obama before his death in May of this year.

The recent tweets by President Trump, asking the public to look into the death of Lori Klausutis, a 28-year-old office staffer who worked for Scarborough when he was a GOP representative from Florida in 2001. Klausutis was found beaten to death in Scarborough's office and her death has not been investigated.

Readers may recall the tweet war that occurred between President Trump and Brzezinski and Scarborough, former allies with known social connections. You can review that media battle here:

What is the connection between the Powell leaks from the White House and her subsequent resignation to this battle between Trump and Brzezinski and Scarborough? It appears that, like with all the deep state secrets surfacing of late, Trump is exhibiting his mastery of 5d chess. The players are in position and, one by one, they are being captured and removed from the board.

Dina Habib Powell joins chief of staff Reince Priebus, press secretary Sean Spicer, chief strategist Steve Bannon, and communications director Anthony Scaramucci in leaving the White House staff in 2017.

The Washington Post reports that Powell's departure could be the first of many high-profile administrators to "leave" Trump's administration at the conclusion of his first year in office.

The bold move to claim Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, after four decades of pro-Islamic-expansionism, pay-for-play Presidents and globalist White House Administrations is a strategic step in reshaping the global political stage.

Thank you for viewing my post! Let's all show our support for the cleaning up of the Congress and White House by electing Independents, Libertarians and Greens in order to end the two-party tyranny in 2018. Call the White House and make it known that you support President Trump in Operation Roto-Rooter! Let's do our part to #UNRIG the system and make America a Republic again! Steem-clean-it, steemers! @dakini5d


Jerusalem always was and always will be the capital of Israel.

Guess West Germany's capital not being Berlin is a comparison, so the reality of it is that with this move the statement is "Israel" is a independent state as such and its capital should be where it always was.

Not to go into the itty gritty details of it all.

I hear you on that point. the details sure do get gritty on this issue. so the short tidbit I will add is that sephardic Jews and Palestinians have very similar dna and lived for millenia alongside each other in that land. It is Zionism and Islamic extremism that has created this modern conflict. Thanks for your comment! And congrats again on #60! I recently made #50!

I don't think Abraham had blue eyes. No body has no right for nothing because of Abraham. Not the Jews, Christian nor Muslims.

Interesting comment, @theclear, I would be interested to hear more of what you think on this subject.

The Jews and Arabs are being used by the powerful elites . Sadly, the masses are not aware of that. I just found this video of one awaken Jew and one awaken Arab

Excellent video! Thank you for posting it. It very much shows the core commonalities between Judaism and Islam.

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