Good News Dairy Queens! New ‘Study’ says: Dairy is good for you! 😂

in #dairy6 years ago

Warning: If you love cow juice aka dairy products. You will probably be offended. Disagree? Well... Got facts?


Sorry to those who are lactose intolerant (whom make up over 60% of the population). According to this ‘observational study’, your more likely to die/suffer from cardiovascular disease than your (genetically mutated) dairy tolerant counterparts.

Isn’t it funny how this ‘study’ comes out right after another panel of ‘experts’ are now recommending limiting dairy to one serving a day or less. I don’t endorse this article either. It’s laden with its own set of agendas that I don’t want to get into right now. But I’ll link you to a previous post of mine that imo is very important.

A Global Diet Is Coming


Never mind the fact that the dairy industry is already on a steep decline and has been for years (despite repeated attempts to push its consumption on) Forcing the US government to buy up surplus dairy products (to sit and slowly rot in a warehouse), in order to please dairy lobbyists by keeping the prices steady.

“government subsidies have continued to support dairy production, buying up surplus to keep prices steady. That leaves us with more cheese than anyone, even the experts, knows what to do with.”

The effect of milk on testosterone levels

”Dairy milk accounts for about 80 percent of estrogen consumed through the human diet. And since all milk products are produces from pregnant cows, your milk contains about 33 times as much estrogen as milk from non-pregnant cows. From an economical standpoint, keeping dairy cows pregnant makes sense. Most of the milk you drink comes from cows that are kept pregnant for almost 300 days of the year. According to many studies, the milk of a cow that is at the late stages of pregnancy can contain up to 33 times more estrogen than that of non-pregnant cows.”

”Almost 60 different hormones can be found in cows milk. One study found that cows’ milk contains estrogens. Four samples of milk from non-pregnant cows were analyzed, free estrone were 23, 22, 27 and 24 pg mL, and values for total estrone were 162, 208, 174, and 243 pg mL. It gets better though, the estrogen levels in milk is even higher during pregnancy of a cow. Levels rose progressively during pregnancy from a mean value of 80-100 pg mL at 60-80 d of pregnancy to a value of around 1,000 pg mL.”


”So that means you are consuming almost 1,000 pg mL of estrogen in that milk. Any amount of estrogen is bad but 1,000 pg mL is a nasty amount.”

”Drinking pregnant cows milk can account to a staggering 60-70% of our endogenous estrogen exposure.” - source

80% of your dietary estrogen. Actual, mammalian estrogen (the human kind). The stuff that will give you man tits (not soy fucktards), resulting in you looking like a pregnant cow (“You are what you eat”)

Not to mention the high fat content of this liquid baby booster juice, designed with the sole purpose of turning a tiny 20-30 lb calf into a 1000 lb cow in a relatively short amount of time. It makes no sense to consume such a pus filled substance.

Determining U.S. Milk Quality Using Bulk-Tank Somatic Cell Counts, 2013

Anyways, just wanted to point out the convenient stupidity and timing of the latest ‘study’.

Thanks for reading.


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