Quote of the Day #49: Where Do You See Yourself A Year From Now?

in #dailyquotes7 years ago

Where will you be at exactly 1 year from today?

Is this a question that you can readily give an answer to, or is it a difficult thing that makes you tense up and get a little or a lot nervous?

Depending on your outlook and your goals, the future holds all that it can possibly hold according to the power you give to it. If you are concentrating and focusing on specific outcomes to certain things that you task yourself with, the next year will be transformed to fit the exact mold of that focus and intention.

Current situations must be dealt with, sure, and if it is a predicament that is not beneficial to you in the least, you MUST OVERCOME it. Every single day, visualize the life and the abundance you are worth and do things daily to get closer and closer to that vision. The only way that one year from today will be better than today is if you commit to it being so.

Do this today: Write down one small goal, a very easy and achievable thing, for example, posting daily blog posts on Steemit, or taking a walk in the park 3 times a week. Decide on a nice and of course beneficial goal for yourself, and go after that with a relentless force. Let me know in a year how that worked out for you, fair?

Did you like today’s quote? Consider an UPVOTE or a RESTEEM, that’d be cool!

Check out yesterday’s “Quote of the Day #48” if you haven’t already done so.

What’s your small goal?

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Twitter: @Sandstormweb

@sandstorm I know that next year I will be a bigger step closer to my goal of beeing financial free. I can look one year behind and can see that my live improved for much better then expected. Till know I see that in the span of 60 to 90 days life gives you some hurdle that you need to overcome. Everybody has it's own problems and even if you have a day that is hard, just remember that the sun still shines and your life is better then most of the people on this planet, this means not to settle for less but to fight to overcome anything.

So in one year, besides of staying healthy and taking care of my wife, family and friends, I plan to have 3 more properties added to my portofolio in Germany. Also the business I'm planning shall be taking of. This are big plans, but I don't want to settle for less.

Keep up the motivation

That's great @alexvan, that you are in a better position than you thought you would be. Don't settle for less than you and your family desrve, get out there and GET IT! Make the next year better than ever :)

Thanks once again @sandstorm
I am in the process of preparing for a triathlon (yep, I need a whole year prep ) but I really needed to look in my near future and organise my priorities.
Your blog has come in perfect time to wake me up and get out my agenda for my next year!
Thanks! ;-)

Wow, that's cool, your welcome :) A triathlon sounds intense, best of preparation and training to you @marcosespes1. You got this, map it all out and do it right.

A year from now I see myself in the same place, but with more steem in my wallet :D

That's part of my plan too @silviabeneforti, more Steem :) Thanks for sharing!

don't really care just taking it one day at the time at the moment

That sounds like a very reasonable and realistic approach @stresskiller. Thanks for sharing :)

Exactly one year later I see myself in my new home! I believe that my dream will come true. I wish everyone that your dreams come true!

I believe it too @sokoloffa. To the best of success and abundance to you and the realization of being in your new home very soon :) Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for your kind words))

Your very welcome :)

A year and a few months ago from today, I didn't see myself visiting, then living in a foreign country, much less being married. Who knows what is waiting ahead for us! Good words, @sandstorm!

Broham, you've got such a badass story, I can feel your excitement and amazement of the world's workings. Just imagine what another year will bring, the possibilities are literally limitless. Thanks for sharing that @drobinson, and btw, your wife's intro post is great, good to see more accounts are getting approved and more awesome people are joining Steemit :)

A year from now I won't be living in Arizona.

Any ideas where the pool meetings will be held at that point, if it's a low key thing, understood, but if not where do you want to be?

Hi friend
I'm sorry I did not come to you often.
I'm running out of time as I'm doing a project to select new artists in Korea.
Now I try to live with my own time control.

I understand @sochul, I am sorry that I have been busy too. I hope your projects are doing well :)
Thank you for the comment my friend!
I hope you have more time for yourself when the Korean project is complete.
Have a great day man :)

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