ⒶⒷⓇⒶⒽⒶⓂ - your children are a strong reflection of the way you are feeling

in #dailyquotes5 years ago

Your child is naturally joyful. Your child is naturally tuned in to Source Energy. And as they are diving through and digging through contrast, it is natural that there would be some things that might disconnect him. Just don’t let their disconnection then inflame your disconnection. Many parents have discovered that their children, for the most part, feel good when they do — and the ornerier you are, usually the ornerier your children are. They are a strong reflection of the way you are feeling much of the time.


Excerpted from San Antonio, TX on 1/26/02

Abraham is the name given to a non-physical collective consciousness which speaks through a woman called Esther Hicks

In the photo:

This is Esteban & Luna. Growing up fast! Steem donations for their future are welcome at @esteban-luna

--- click on the image to see it full screen ---

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Since I started reading them each morning I have been able to change the way I think and five years on I am able to manifest exactly what I desire in my life using the Law of Attraction. By reading these words on a daily basis, you can achieve this too 🙏🏻

I made this time-lapse film so that others may feel my passion...

Here are two posts which will be helpful if you would like to learn more about Law of Attraction:

What is Law of Attraction

How to practice Law of Attraction


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This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie

Coolio! Thanks very much :)

Hi Sam,
So very true! ... Your kids looks super happy - kudos!

Upvoted and resteemed :D

Man, they really are. Particularly as they hadn't seen me for a while.

They wanted to keep showing me all the new things they can do! So great :)

LOVE Abraham! :)

You and me both ;)

One of my master teachers through the harder times ;)

These moments with your kids are truly precious - enjoy them with your heart open to them.


My friend, this is not the best post for this, as it should only be about happiness and love, but I want you to get the book (it is for free) - look at right hand corner of the page, it is available in various formats...and as I said, it is for free.

I think you should have it so that you can make life a little bit safer for you and your family.


I have just downloaded it now. Thanks very much for thinking of us.

This book is seriously jammed with information & I am sure will come in handy one day :)

It is marvellous to see how much your kids have grown - you must be very proud of them.

For your travels, I got instructions for making small amounts of drinking water:


Thanks! Another very useful one :)

I have somewhere, in one of my hard drives, a really good video with a 'show-and-tell' of how to create a rainwater filtration system, built into the ground. I hope I can find it as YT seems to have deleted it.

A few years ago my brother took me with as we went to visit someone living in what they call 'plots' over here. A plot is a home with land of at least 3ha, but usually more like 10 to 40 ha. It is also outside of any municipality and thus they can avoid tying in to the sewerage, water and electricity...if that is what they want.

This house we went to, we were shown how he had dug a hole, square, a metre by a metre and maybe a bit more in depth. It was filled with water and from neighbouring plots he collected horse and cow manure, which he dumped in the water. As it created gas, it turned a generator and so he had electricity, with refigerators, freezers, electric cooking and ovens, plus tv and heating of his home. The gas he also used for providing lights and for heating if it gets very cold.

His own sewerage came out in a pond, and the water from there was clean enough to drink and there was no smell - I seem to recall it being called the open french sewerage system....

What I am saying is, there is a lot you can do for becoming totally independant and none of it is expensive, just a bit of a hassle to set up.

Any info you want, please let me know.

So interesting all of this! Crazy how much we (generally) seem to have forgotten it... and not passed on the knowledge to our children as once we would have done.

It doesn't sound possible running all those appliances from a natural gas. But what do I know? Only that my mind has been conditioned to think it doesn't sound possible!

I feel as if this is a subject I should study in detail.

So yes, if you find any well presented info online, please do let me know.

Okay - unfortunately google is busy get rid of all of it, but maybe I can find a way to make available what I have on my hard drives.

Good old google! Inevitable really.

I use wetransfer.com for things like this where there is no need to set up an account. They offer up to 2GB transfers for free. Once the download link is created you could just drop the link here? Alternatively i could give you my email but we would have to find a more private way to get it to you.

Am most grateful for any time you spend on this!

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