Thought of the day (gedachte van de dag) 07 jan 2018

gedachte van de dag.jpg


Every day I try to bring the thought of the day, a slogan that can inspire you or think about some theme at the start of the day.
Elke dag tracht ik de gedachte van de dag te brengen, een slagzin dat jullie kan inspireren of even doet nadenken bij het begin van de dag.

Picture of the day


Thought of the day (gedachte van de dag)

Do not be stupid or thoughtless.

Doe niet stoms of ondoordacht.

More Thought of the day (gedachte van de dag)




The previous thought of the day


gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan...:)

@ivan19670472 daarom heb ik deze gemaakt vandaag om mezelf er op te wijzen dat ik deze gedachte steeds in het achterhoofd moet houden, groeten

A good thought. Beautiful picture too.
Thumbs up

thx for the nice comment, greetings

Don't be thoughtless heard. That's a cool picture. A lot of problems we Face could be avoided if we were a little more thoughtful. Thank you for sharing.

thx for the nice comment

I did not actually understand the photo but i know it can be use for graphics. right?


thx for the nice comment, pls don't use the photo, greetings

I am not going to use it. I was just saying. Thanks.

Love the trippy bark! :) I try not being stupid or thoughtless, usually succeed ;)

thx for the nice comment

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