
Happy Friday, Whatisnew! The garden is coming along nicely, thank you. 🤗 I'll take some pics for you this weekend.

I hope that you have a magnificent day. 💜

Hi Sweet Brisby! Glad to hear that your garden is growing well and I am looking forward to the pics. Magnificent Friday? Nope, but I hope yours was. I have been sick all last week and yesterday was the worst day. My doc couldn't see me so he told me to go to urgent care. My head felt like it was going to explode all last week, my ear was hurting, my throat felt like it was closing up but it wasn't sore and I coughed when I laid down. Yesterday I had blood coming out of my sore ear. After telling the ER doc about what I did last weekend, he knew right away what was wrong. A week ago on Friday I went to the field to take pics. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Goldenrods in full bloom. That is at least a month early for them. I was in that field for about and hour. The next day, Saturday, I went to the butterfly park. I was there a good 2 hours taking pics. There was a row of hundreds of black-eyed susans in bloom. I took so many picks and didn't sneeze while I was there but sneezed all night long. Last Monday morning I woke up with a LOT of pressure on my forehead and I thought my head was going to explode. I went downhill from there. The whole right side of my face and neck was swollen. Last Wednesday I started with a cough and my upper chest was heavy, and it felt like my throat was closing up. I thought I had a sinus infection. The ER doc told me no sinus infection, I have severe allergies. He put me on Steroids which I hate because I blow up like a balloon. Thank goodness I will only be on them for 7 days. I couldn't start the meds until this morning (Saturday) so I still feel like crap. Oh, the things I do to get good photos of nature. But as I told my family, it was worth it. LOL! You have a great weekend sweet brisby and stay away from goldenrods and hundreds of black-eyed susans. : )

Oh my dear friend, I'm so sorry that you were suffering so much last week! 😭 From what you told me, even the word severe sounds like an understatement.

I hope that the meds have kicked in by now and that the damned headache and your swelling have taken a hike. HUGS and so much LOVE to you my sweet lady and I'm praying that you're completely recovered so that you can breathe easy and enjoy your photographic journies again.

Of course you feel that it's worth it (I'm imagining their expressions when you told them though 😉). Being out in nature is too much of a joy to resist. 😁🤗 I'll be giving goldenrods and masses of black-eyed susans a sideways glance from here on out. Please take care hon and I hope that this week is a million times better for you. 💕

squirrel and cat.gif

Hi sweet Brisby! Thanks so much for your well wishes and prayers. Hugs! Today was the first day that I can say I have turned the corner. Thank God for that!

Aw, love the squirrel and the cat. That is you sweet Brisby. You have always got my back. Love you! : )

I am so happy that you're finally feeling better but wish that it hadn't taken so long. 🤗

Love you too my wonderful friend and we'll have to see about getting you an amped up lens for your camera so that you can take your photos from a safer distance. 💗

Thanks sweet Brisby! I still don't feel good but better is better than not or worse. That was a tongue twister.

I am so sad to think that I won't be able to get up close and personal with my nature friends. But I don't think I can handle a big lens for my camera. I can barely lift my left arm as it is now with my lightweight digital camera. But thanks for thinking about that, my sweet Brisby. Hugs!

Soooo sorry. Hope you are feeling much better. If not, go back to the doctor. Should respond promptly to the steroids.

Thanks so much @agmoore2! I finally turned the corner today. According to the doctor, I thought the steroids were going to work right away, like you said. Hope you are doing well, my friend.

So glad to hear you are better. Very well here. Careful where you tread. No picture is worth that reaction :)

Thanks again! Happy to hear that you are doing well. I need to stop by your blog and see what you have been up to lately. My picture days are slowing down, especially after this last experience. I have had too many close calls and you are right, it isn't worth it. But that won't stop me from enjoying nature afar and thankfully there are so many amazing photos here on Steemit that I can enjoy. I love being an arm chair traveler. : )

I think you'll find a way to pursue your interests without endangering your health. Your upbeat spirit comes through. You will find a lot of material that is attractive. It's the eye that does it...and you have that. I'm going over to look at your swan now. Waiting for my VP to replenish.
If there is joy in life, it has to come from us :))

Thanks for your encouraging words @agmoore. Hugs!

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