DailyPetPhotography "Sleepy Cat" by Sunscape


Tucker loves to sleep in my bed next to me, especially during my surgery recovery. He loves to lay on top of my pillows or if I get up out of bed he will lay on top of my heating pad. He can be a real bed hog, lol. Cat's really do rule.



Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Homesteaders Co-op -Sunscapes Soap Shop
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Etsy Store - Sunscape's Soap Shop


They are so loyal. ... :-)

I know right? Loyal at stealing your seat, pillow, heating pad and your bed space. lol

But love in return is priceless .... You are way ahead....

:-) ♥♥♥

Awwwww..how cute Tucker has a real girlish looking face very handsome boy..lol :)

I have always thought so too. He does not have the look of most males. He must have had most of his lives as a female. lol

Well he is one lucky male cat to have awesome looks like that :)

What a cute little nose! What a big, fluffy, beautiful cat!

Thank you, he is a big fluffy ball of love.

Wishing you a speedy recovery Wanda, wow what a cuddly cat to take care of you @sunscape

Thank you so much Joan, he has hardly left my side, everyday he keeps me company and all night too.

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
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