Daily Pet Photography 125.

My friends American Bully his name is Rocky but doesn't live up to that name thank god , he is the most coolest pleasant Bully i know a great personality and very friendly but very protective he reminds me of the little old wise man and presents himself that way....real cool dude.

iPhone 6 April 323.JPG

Category : #dailypetphotography

Camera : iPhone 6


Hey, #thealliance! I just applied yesterday, not having realized I wasn't already a member. (I know, I know: that kind of techno incompetence should keep me out of a lot of places!) And I found this post thanks to #dailypetphotography, my favorite go-to here at Steemit, guaranteed to make me smile on the darkest days. Gotta love @kona!!

Good one i hope you get accepted into #thealliance family they are a great team of people and @kona he is doing a magic job supporting the steemit community. Best of luck :)

Thank you..good luck👍👍👍

Beautiful Pittie . Powerful but cute at the same time :)

Thank you yep they are a powerhouse :)

🤣 I love the way he has his law up and his look! Awesome quality shot!

Thank you ...he is the man..lol :)

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