Vet dental bills - Bobi the Bad - DailyPetPhotography submissions | "每天寵物攝影" 圖片 Day 558

Bobi the Bad has returned from the vet,

knocked unconscious to have his teeth cleaned and a broken tooth extracted. How did it break? Bobi isn't telling! It's been broken for years and didn't seem to bother him but we finally decided to have it pulled. Bear appears to be lamenting the indignity of Bobi's bad trip, while the humans lament the expense. (The bill was horrifying.)

Prince takes over for Bear,

trying to cheer Bobi with a joke, but Bobi evidently was not amused.

Poor Prince!

"Consider the source" - cats are hard to please, amuse, satisfy, or console!

I'm dropping this vet with all his extras and fees. The old white-haired retired farmer is still my favorite vet, and I will never again let our 23-year-old daughter convince me Bobi the Bad must be taken somewhere "newer" with more up to date facilites.

Thank you, @kona and @supernovastaffy,

for your contests and the communities you've created for Steemit's animal lovers.

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【這裡也有也一個由@supernovastaffy舉辦的狗狗的比賽,你同樣也可以使用 #dogsofsteemit這個標籤!】

We read all posts tagged #dailypetphotography everyday and look forward to knowing more about your pets! However, if your photo is not selected today, don't be discouraged! Have another try next time. Meanwhile, you might as well follow other steemians in #dailypetphotograhy, share anything with them about pets, mix and mingle and make friends! Break the ice, let them know you and your pets!


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I'm all for the old farmer vet! I have an old James Herriot vet, but he only sees large animals. I am stuck with the "newer" vets for the dogs and cats. They are so much more expensive! I'm glad Bobi survived the ordeal. Nobody likes going to the dentist!

The old vets are fine. They know how or what. Had one who even did his paperwork by hand.

The new vet wants a chat first 💶💶💶 next check upn💶💶💶 make a plsn 💶💶💶💶 some xray 💶💶💶💶 new appointment for the vaccine you came for 💶💶💶💶💶💶💶😕

No thanks I do not need all the extra's.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm with you both, @goat-girlz and @wakeupkitty!
Love your graphics - The new vet wants a chat first 💶💶💶 next check upn💶💶💶 make a plsn 💶💶💶💶 some xray 💶💶💶💶 new appointment for the vaccine you came for 💶💶💶💶💶💶💶😕

Hi @carolkean,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

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