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RE: Daily Pet Photography Event || Horned beauty

Pet, not milk cow or livestock? That's cool! Cows and pigs were my childhood favorites, never mind that they went to market and we ate them. Farm kids. The things people are desensitized to. It's ok to eat a cow but not a dog? No, I'm not vegan or vegetarian, because it's hard enough to eat well on a gluten-free diet, but I'd like to promote entomophagy, eating what our ancestors ate, and millions today still do. Insects! Worms! I need to raise my own, because at $20 a pound for mealworms, it's easier to oven-roast a chicken. Thanks for the photo @rox-cat. You said "pet" and that set me off - sorry :)


No worries @carolkean. I know what you mean. Me and my family we do not treat animals as "livestock". All our chickens die of old age. We are not vegetarians either but our animals are pets, including a big ugly spider (my sister calls it "little ball"). I will not take a photo of that creature...I love animals but "little ball" creeps me out. 🙂

I love spiders!! I'd love to see a photo. <wink, just kidding >
🙂 (Ok, how did you get that emoji... I copied yours and it worked!)

I'm on the phone, a Huawei P8, and I use the emojis suggested by the keyboard. As far as I know, it should be colon and bracket. :)

Colon+bracket doesn't get me an emoji when I'm on the laptop. Back to our previous topic, I just came across this photo of a cow and the caption - How can you eat these precious creatures?
**DISCLAIMER: I did not read far enough to grasp the satire! Oops.

Checked the post...even if some people are amused, I fail to see the funny part. All animals are precious.
Regarding the emojis, if copy/paste works, do you want me to send some of them so you could have them?

Thanks, no need, I can copy paste from... somewhere....
Ohhh, man, my bad... I was only looking at the 'How Can You Eat These' part, and overlooked the snide "Oh, are you asking for recipes" - eeep! Mea culpa!

I was sure you were mesmerized by the picture. 😂
No worries, I know you love animals and that you are a good person. Too bad that we tend to be an endangered specie. 😉

😉 Glad you understand that I wasn't knowingly sharing that sarcasm... yes, the photo and the "How can anyone eat this" is as far as I got. That'll teach me to stop speed reading.

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