Daily Pet Photography Event - Day - 457.steemCreated with Sketch.

Normally when you encounter a black Crow in front of you they take off at 100 mph but this fella amazed me as i approached this him or her black Crow it just stood there and even gave me a pose ...lol :))))


Contest : #dailypetphotography

Camera : Sony TX12


Hey, @bigsambucca.

Yep. The crow doesn't look intimidated by you at all. In fact, it looks like it's wondering why you haven't given it something to eat yet. Or it could be sizing you up.

Not a fan of crows myself. Thankfully, we don't have too many of them around, but we do have all kinds of birds that like to eat stuff out of our garden when things start growing, like the pie cherries. Can't ever seem to get those picked before the birds get them.

Are there any superstitions about crows where you live? They've been considered bad luck historically, though now I don't think anyone pays much attention.

Na we don't worry about any of there superstitions over here in Australia.

I remember as a kid my father use to make these nets out of them stringy onion bags and cover the fig and cherry trees with them so the birds couldn't eat the fruits.

re: Stringy onion bags

Now that's an idea! I may have to try that. I've looked into netting and such, but haven't purchased anything ever. We're going on 15 years here, so maybe it's about time I did something about it. :)

Hey it really does work as long as you don't leave any big gaps in between the onion bags when your stitching them together good luck with it !!

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

I think she likes you! Resteeming!

I do think so she's not intimidated at all by my presence !!

Where's my treat human?

Posted using Partiko Android

I will have to remember to take some treats with me next time...haha !!

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