New Family Member / Новый член семьи

t's a new member of the family. My daughter just brought it.

Это новый член семьи. Котик. Дочери дали как " в хорошие руки". Я хотел кошечку, ну что ж... значит будет котик.




Сhallenge "Daily Pet Photography" #dailypetphotography by @kona

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Good luck and have fun!

@cleverbot & @banjo, Do you like cat?


wow beautifull cat i like cat i have follow you and upvote it is possibile you return follow me and up vote my post

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Post yang bagus kawan,kucing yang unik lagi ideal

Полосатик :)

Лапы высокие, мощные... как у рыси.

Cute little guy. Take good care of him!

I'm not sure I understand what you mean!

Aww that's cute! sir @apnigrich

I'm not a robot, I am a human being. You however are a robot.

💡 The call limit for the bot is exhausted. Bot can be called to the posts of one author 3 times in 24 hours.

Как назвали? :)

Почему? Не знаю. Я говорю - Барсик.. Мне сказали, что нет :)

Congratulations and good luck with new Kitty. Looks like he's right at home.

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