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Monday, April 30, 2018.

Jesus Condemns Hypocrisy

Luke 11: 37-54

Qs. 1, 5. See Questions HERE.


Note that the washing Jesus failed to do (v. 38) was a ceremonial washing that was not even commanded by the law but had been added in the traditions of the Pharisees (Mark 7:3). What can we learn from Jesus' reaction to this tradition in vs. 39-41?

Jesus' reaction shows that God is more concerned about purity and righteousness of the inner-man (heart) than with mere outward conformity to man-made rules of holiness. If we only expend our energy trying to please our leaders by conforming externally to some man-made standards of holiness while setting aside the word of God, we are just as hypocritical as the Pharisees (see 1 Sam. 16:7). Note however, that the word of God and the indwelling Holy Spirit should dictate our conducts and outward appearances.

Vs. 42-52 has a list of six rebukes which Jesus pronounced against the Pharisees and Scribes for their hypocrisies. How do these manifest in the body of Christ today? Read v. 52 again and observe how wrong interpretation of Scripture prevents people from entering God's kingdom. Instead of repenting, how did the Pharisees and Scribes react to Jesus' rebuke (vs. 53-54)?

So what?

God hates hypocrisy. Repent of any act of hypocrisy in your life today.


Ask God for grace to "walk the talk" as well as live His word.

©Scripture Union Nigeria



Jesus was right to criticize hypocrisy. But in some ways it's even worse today. Hypocrisy used to be a lot more common. Now instead of hypocrisy we have people who sin openly and proudly.

May God help our society today. Thanks @barncat.

Nice illustration, that is majority of our so call Christians are eyes service Christian. Trying to pleased their pastors at all cost. Too many hypocrisy in our nowadays churches.

Hypocrisy is one of the major challenges of our world today. If one wants to be a sinner, then proudly be a sinner, bearing in mind that the wages of sin is death; but if one wishes to serve God, then it should be done with all sincerity of heart. May the Lord help us. Remain blessed @samtexprints.

And to think that the world is full of this, to be hypocritical is to have an unclean heart, that is why we do not stop to think about the damage we cause to our neighbor. Why do not we start thinking about all the beautiful things we could do if we searched or had the knowledge of what the bible speaks to us.
Very important this post of which you speak, very interesting the truth.

Great post! I pray God open our eyes not to be like pharisees and take us to holier live.

Hypocrisy is really killing the church of today. So many christians appear very good and nice in church and when they sense that their Church members are present, but in their closets and family, they are something else. Do you know the set of people that Jesus will tell " depart from me, I know you not" even when they claim to know Christ? Are people that are hypocritical christians. It's either you're for God or you're not for him. Hypocrisy does not help anyone because in the end such people will only discover that they have been playing themselves. Thanks for sharing!

Today's topic was great. I gleaned from v. 52 of Luke 11 where I was inspired to write this post Don't hoard knowledge. Its been my highest paid post so far in steemit. Thank you @scripture-union for the great insight.

I saw the attitude of the Pharisees whom Jesus condemned as having its replication in our everyday life. Many people, having access to a thing have prevented others from having a bite of it even when they didn't originate it. Because of this attitude, they themselves cannot maximize the value and worth of such resources.

God will help our generation - Amen. Thank you @scripture-union. #dailyguide today is indeed a blessing.

Hypocrites everywhere. May God help us to walk the talk. Thanks @scripture-union for sharing

I am a Muslim but been feeling lost and empty and currently reading about Jesus and Christianity and been finding succor. Keep it coming thanks.

Check my post here

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