10/9 Daily Enlgish

in #dailyenglish3 years ago

*have a vibe: 분위기가 있다
*be atmospheric [ˌætməsˈferɪk]

-This place has a chic vibe. No wonder it's so popular.

  • There is an old chapel(채플, 예배당) in Coventry that is really atmospheric.

*stand up point 지나치게 꼼꼼하다. 융통성이 없다(딱 그 지점에만 서있다)

  • You stand up point

*come along

  1. 도착하다, 생기다, 나타나다
    You came along just like a song.
    When the right opportunity comes along, she will take it.

  2. 함께오다, 같이오다
    I'm glad you came along. (니가 함께와서 기뻐)

*Who would have believed that you were part of a dream?


  1. [흔히 수동태로] 자격[권리]을 주다

-Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.

  • You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65.

-This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class.

-모든 사람이 자기 의견을 가질[말할] 권리가 있다.

-65세가 되면 연금을 받을 자격이 주어진다.

-이 표로는 일등석을 탈 자격이 안 됩니다.

  1. 제목을 붙이다
  • He read a poem entitled ‘Salt’.

-그는 ‘소금’이라는 제목의 시를 읽었다.


  1. How do I look like?

  2. You really hit the bull's eye with that answer.

  3. She knows how to hit the bull's eye.

  4. It seems she knows how to hit the bull's eye.

  5. 나 좀 어때보여요?

  6. 넌 그 대답으로 정말 정곡을 찔렀어.

  7. 그녀는 핵심을 찌르는 법을 알고 있어.

  8. 그녀는 핵심을 찌르는 법을 알고 있는 것 처럼 보여~


  1. (어떤 것을 대단히) 즐기다, 좋아하다
    -to relish challenge/ fight/debate
  • to relish the idea/ thought of going to travel
  • I relish the prospect of getting up early tomorrow.
  • Nobody relishes cleaning the oven.
  1. 큰 즐거움, 기쁨
  • She savored the moment with obvious relish.
  • 그녀는 분명히 아주 즐겁게 그 순간을 음미했다.
  • You took the words right out of my mouth.
  • 내가 딱 그 말을 하려고 했는데.
  • You drive me up the walls
    너 때문에 미치겠어
  • You drive me up the walls. I cannot believe how loud your music is.

*set the pace(그 페이스 자체를 결정할 정도로)
(업계에서) 첨단을 달리다, (경주에서)선두를 달리다

  • The company is no longer setting the pace in the home computer market.

*모레: the day after tomorrow
*그저께: the day before yesterday

*tug: 잡아당기다
tug of war: 줄다리기
play tag: 술래잡기

oh hey, we can even play tag in the swimming pool.

  • born은 be동사를 쓴다/ born이 pp형태의 '형용사'이기 때문!
    Where did you born?(x)
    Where were you born?(0)

It is the time when we weren't even born.
I wasn't really born. I came into existence gradually.

*rain에는 be동사가 필요없어요. rain자체가 자동사에요.
Is it raining?
Do you think it's going to 'rain'?(바로 rain 붙이기/ be 동사 필요없음)

*It's just like hip hop oozes out of you. I think it's great.
힙합이 막 스며 나오네요. 멋져요!

  • It's just like healthy positive energy oozes out of you.

  • LMAO: laughing my ass off!(엉덩이가 떼질만큼 크게 웃다)

  • SEDCUTIVE: (성적으로) 유혹적인
    He looked so seductive.

*something that you would not otherwise do(그렇지 않으면 하지 않을 일)

  • Did you get hurt?
    다친데 있어?

*Do you still feel the pain?
아직도 통증이 느껴지니?

  • I hope you get well soon.

*His figure(몸매)is alluring.
그의 몸매는 매혹적이다.

  • I can't slack off already.
    벌써 게을러져서는 안돼.

*Don't slack off. Try your best for real.
진짜로 열심히 해

  • Which song did you slack off most?
    어느 곡을 젤 덜 열심히 했어?

  • nursery house: 보육원

*absent-minded: 딴 데 정신이 팔려있는/ 건망증이 심한
He is usually absent-minded during class.

*I was so impressed, it's bordering on jealousy.
나는 너무나도 감명 받았고, 그건 거의 질투에 가까울 정도였다.

  • get jealous of sb: sb를 질투하다
    Her friends got jealous of her.
    그녀의 친구들은 그녀를 질투했다.

We don't get jealous of celebrities. We get jealous of who is a little bit better than us.

  • Keep in mind/ Bear in mind:-을 명심하세요
    Thank you for your advice. I'll keep that in mind: 그걸 명심하도록 할게요.

*repetition: 반복
More and more repetition is needed.

*repeatedly 미국∙영국 [ripí:tidli]
He is not young so he should remind of the contents to study repeatedly.

  • do an errand: 심부름을 하다
    go on an errand: 심부름을 가다
    He was on his way to do an errand.
    She was on her way to go on an errand.
    Are you on your way to come here?

  • a traffic signal: 교통신호
    *He is like an ethics book.

*새치기하다: cut in line
Teacher, he cut in line.

*oh it's so heart- warming scene.

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