The Daily Dose - August 26 2018 by @veteranforcrypto


My Daily Dose Challenge Phase 9A Entry

Chemtrails above my Eldests middle school!

[Image Taken on Iphone 7+]

You know what, I havent really been the one to make such a huge deal out of this but reading what I have about these chemicals it cant be healthy! Judging by global warming (I dont care what you say the worlds getting hotter, facts); it has to have some sort of effect I mean it's an invasive chemical to the sky's.

Very bothered at the amount!

[Image Taken on Iphone 7+]

As you can see, from the picture above there are 3-4 different older trails just above the softball/baseball/soccer fields! What exactly is that stuff doing to our children! If it's not raining stop manipulating the weather, stop trying to play a god. Not all power is ment to be harnessed, some you just need to leave alone before something unreverse able happens.. Or worse mase extinction of the human race, playing with fire can get you burnt.

As Im taking these another one flys over fresh!

[Photo Taken on Iphone 7+]

I am not the type that spends alot time looking into conspiracy theory’s but there's definitely something to it. You can claim it's the temp difference that cause the exhaust to for those close but there's always something more going in behind the scenes we dont know about.. Thank you for taking the time to read my entry, I really went outside my element here but I enjoyed the sky watching and finally catching it!

Thanks for Reading







Thanks for your entry, appreciate it! R&U. Have a great day my friend.

You to brother and thank you for the opportunity.

Great entry, glad you're noticing these now.

I have always noticed them but never thought to look to deep into it. Had skimmed over information but never to deep.

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