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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/17/18> Black sheep, blacklisted, black balled… why is black almost always the adjective describing something bad?

in #dailydose6 years ago

Sircork I always enjoy reading your comments here on the daily Dose.
Color is a subject that gets way to much attention for sure, hell, I even drew attention to it with this daily dose. Honestly, I would like to see color disappear completely from descriptions but that probably wouldn't change anything in the grand scheme of things but it might.
I don't know if you have been around enough here but "guzbuck" is a good wholesome word for that nasty F-bomb the people also hate to see and hear but love to do. So feel free to use until people discover it and start bad mouthing it.


Does it translate to Aramaic? Because I'm told that's a no fly zone.

No, not that I am aware of. I created that word last year or early this year as part of a writing contest for Hard Fork, a new series that is being filmed. I googled that word and nothing came up in google, bing, or yahoo. Websters didn't have anything either in the dictionary.
So I ran with it giving it my own definition.
Now since I have been using it there are several of my daily dose columns that show up on a google search for the word "guzbuck" . I know that google has different results for different parts of the world so I don't know where you are or what those might be.

I do know that a follower of the Daily Dose from Berlin Germany googled it where he is and said that he found it listed in his results. In fact he said, "It looks like you must have created this word" since the only results it showed were daily dose columns.
It might be considered a "no fly zone" soon, just like the F-Bomb is in some places, that word doesn't fly well in schools and courts and such.
So in answer to your question, no... not that I am aware of.

I'm in Virginia, lived all over the south east with a 90s stint as a ski lift operator in my young 20s in Colorado. I ain't never heard such a word. :D

The only other reference for the word I could find and that was just last week when @willymac asked if he thought he could get that as a personalized license plate for his car and so I did a search for plates with the word and one did turn up in Alabama with GUZBUCK so I don't know if that was before I started using it or not but who knows , other than the guzbucker in Alabama.

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