Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/27/18> Special edition !!! Update from @cecicastor on her Christmas holiday

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

The following is the latest message I have received from Ceci in discord on how their Christmas holiday went.

@cecicastor wrote:

"Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. We are home safely but without my son and his family. It was impossible to bring them here to the compound we are being watched so need to be extra careful. I hope you and yours had a great Christmas. Did you get to church to hear your cousin sing Silent Night?

We had a good Christmas with people in the compound on the 24th. The kids got home made presents, the pastor came after lunch to lead a special Christmas service here and the kids surprised us with a small Christmas concert. Everyone chipped in to make a great Christmas dinner. I stuffed a small pig with stuffing that had apples and raisins home made bread crumbs with herbs from our garden. The veggies were from our gardens too.

After the festivities we managed to sneak away early to go to Managua . There were a few check points, the first ones we managed to breeze through wishing them a Merry Christmas and giving gifts of cigarettes, homemade cookies and a bottle of Coke. We do what is necessary in war...

The last one was the one that had us worried. They took the plate numbers on the car, copies of our ID'S and asked a lot of annoying questions. We knew then that we would be not be bringing them back to the compound. While there we were able to have video chats with my sons and their families as well as my brother and his family. After we were treated to a very large roast beef dinner with all the trimmings including my favorite Caesar salad! We did manage a quiet Christmas service at my son's neighbor's house.

It was very odd travelling to a Managua this year, no Christmas lights or decorations. No Christmas music. No churches having services. No cheery greetings or smiles. But the Grinch did not dampen our spirits! We came home to bad news though...about ten minutes before we arrived, our eldest dog, Banshee passed away quite suddenly. She was old and our most faithful guard dog. She will be sorely missed. We had a solemn funeral lead by the children of the compound.

I guess we will be having another funeral this morning for Frisky the cat. I really hope and pray that things will settled down in the New Year. But I really don't think so. We listened in on the Christmas address of the Madame Comrade's speech where she assured everyone that she will be the next president of this country. Does not bode well... I am off to get myself a very strong coffee...

Sorry this had to be so long and in two parts. Feel free to share the information with our steemit and weku friends."

That is the DM message I received on Wednesday on Discord and I was extremely happy to get it from her. In further conversation with her I did find out that the normal driving time from her compound to her son’s place in Managua is three hours but it took five hours driving time each way with the stops at the check points.
Just like last time I posted an update from her any earnings this post receives will be transferred to her account once the earnings are paid out.
So that is latest from our friend, please keep her and her family in your prayers if you would.

Until next time,


Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose. Be sure to check out this post by @jockey whom I enjoy reading this post of his is worth the read and a big upVote; https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@jockey/finally-criminal-charges-for-goldman-sachs-and-the-fascinating-20-year-history-behind-what-is-happening-today

Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


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She is a good lady Ms. Wigle. Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks for the update! I'm glad she was able to get so much information out.

I love her attitude if not her position. It's all about doing with what you have!

Thank you.

Yes, it would be easy to be beaten down on the attitude side for sure but she remains positive and that is a real good thing.

I'm so glad to get this long message from her. Thank you for passing it on.

I may be the only one here who doesn't fully understand her situation, so I'll ask some questions.

1.) Does anyone understand why she wouldn't be able to bring her son and his family home for Christmas -- or even to stay permanently? To me that would be like the government saying ... no, you can't have your son and his family visit you ever, even if it is the holidays.

Now, I realize governments -- especially governments in Latin America -- can do any damn thing they have the guns to back up -- but why would this be an issue? Why would they care?

2.) Why are they "being watched?" And why are they living in "a compound?" Are they part of a missionary group or something that the government might find objectionable (just for the fun of it?)

3.) Why don't they just leave? Go back home to Canada? Why didn't they do this before things got so awful? Why are they there in the first place?

I know you may not have the answers to all this either. But if I don't ask, I may never find out.

Prayers continue.

I don't have the answer to question #1 but I will try and find out. On question #2 Her husband was a builder and he had the means to construct a big place with large walls around the place when he was alive. From what I understand he built quite a few outbuildings on it and a big house. So there is plenty of room to house people and grow food.
#3. The government has shut down travel out of the country from what she has said. I don't know the answers to the other parts other than they were there for her husband to build his business and built a place to retire in a warm climate that was not an expensive place to live is my guess.

Don't you know the stress of this has to just be god-awful. How would you like to live constantly listening for that knock on the door with people on the other side willing and able to hurt you with total impunity. Oddly, this is what real anarchy looks like. It meets fascism / totalitarian dictatorships coming around the corner. I've noticed that a lot about political labels.

I would not like to live like that at all, that is one of the reasons, if not the main reason I try to teach people about our constitution and the deception that our government pulls on us every damn day.
We are not that far from what you described if the Bush, Clinton, & Obama's families get their NWO government in place.
One could make the argument that we are "there" already since you no longer need to be charged with a crime in order to be held.

Ok. TYVM. So ... I'm not as much in the dark as I thought. Or maybe the truth is ... I'm not that much more in the dark than anyone else. Thank you for telling me what you know about this.

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Thanks she was able to share this information via you

Howdy sir sultnpapper! Thanks so much for passing this along to us, I don't know how much worse it can get there!

I don't know either but I think we will find out. The government is increasing their police forces by an announced 30% this year and laying off other "non" essential employees to pay for the new police.

It's really creepy. I read that article about the additional hiring, what a bunch of thugs.

Thanks for the update @sultnpapper. Scary situation to be sure. Her positive attitude is amazing, such faith:) Praying for her family in this new year.

It really is a bad situation. She is one tough bird and amazingly she does keep a positive attitude. That situation surely is a test of faith, all the prayers we can send her way are about all we can do at the moment. Thanks for keeping her in your prayers.

Thank you for the update on Ceci, what a determined and brave lady to not let the authorities dampen her spirits!

I could not agree more with you and you are most welcome. I will continue to update as I can.

Thank you for the update on Ceci. I have been wondering how she is and am so very sad about their situation.


I am glad to be able to share that information as I get it. Thanks for letting me know and for the tip.

It's always a pleasure!

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