Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/02/18> Day 2 of the “Almost” Daily Dose of Sultnpapper

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

I like a sense of ...

I like a sense of humor and so when @daan commented that since I missed two days of the Daily Dose this week I can no longer call it a “daily”, never mind the 414 consecutive days that I published it. So with that I am thinking of changing it to the “Almost Daily Dose of Sultnpapper.” Since I did publish one on Thursday this makes Day 2, I wonder what the odds makers in Vegas would put on me making it past 414 days like the first run went?

If I were to give...

I will say that those 414 Daily Doses weren’t just mailing it in, well maybe one or two, but I did work hard for the most part to provide the best content I could each and every day. For having never done anything like this before if I were to give myself a grade on what I have done so far I would give me a “C”, it could be a “+ or – “C” but somewhere in that area.

C is for consistency...

That “C” could be given just on the consistency alone, I don’t think there are many other accounts on here that publish “almost” daily that could match those number of consecutive days. Most people have realized that it is hard work with little reward unless you have some fat cat whales pumping up your posts. I surely have realized it but I didn’t come here for the steem in the first place so I have a different mindset than most of the others, but you all know that so let’s move on.

I didn't mention...

I didn’t mention the check in at the hotel on Monday, which was a guzbucked deal. Each Monday morning I send an email to the lady who has to make the employees hotel reservations. This is a nice lady but I think she is either burned out or just doesn’t give a flip when it comes to getting things right for anyone but management. I asked her to book me a room for the entire week checking out on Friday, instead she had me checking in on Thursday and leaving on Friday.

I should probably...

I should probably learn to read the reservation confirmations when I get them, since this isn’t the first time she has screwed me up. About five years ago she really screwed me royal on a reservation that was supposed to be for a hotel in Pleasanton, TX. I had an afterhours product training session with the local distributor that last until 8:30 PM, by the time I left that location and drive the 4/10’s of a mile to the hotel it was 8:35 PM and the girl at the check in informed me I didn’t have a reservation.

Sure I do...

“Sure, I do. I have the confirmation number right here on my phone.” So I opened the email and read her the number, it was at that point she smiled and told me that I was at the wrong hotel.

Three weeks in advance...

I know how hard it is to get a hotel room in Pleasanton, it is right in the middle of the Eagle Ford shale oil play, and those hotels stay full. So I had our lady make the reservation three weeks in advance. With my elite status with La Quinta, I am guaranteed a room if I book that far in advance. The lady in the office took it upon herself to change me to a hotel 25 miles away in Floresville, TX because the rate was $15.00 cheaper.

So I ended up...

So I ended up having to drive to Floresville and the next morning drive right back to Pleasanton because I was doing a taco breakfast for contractors who buy product there at that distributor. Needless to say I was really pissed that night, and in fact I stopped using the lady to make my reservations for over two years after that incident.

Last year though the company cracked down on sales people making their own reservations again so I have been forced back into using her. I guess now I am going to have to baby sit each reservation since she just can’t be trusted to get it right. In talking with Andrew on Tuesday and telling him about my check in experience he told me of problems and issues he’s had with the reservations she makes for him as well, so it isn’t just me.

I probably wouldn't be...

I probably wouldn’t be so bothered with this if it weren’t for what else has been taking place in the company the last couple of weeks. I guess the ladies in the office have just too little work to do.

Selling squares...

One lady is busy selling “squares” for the Dallas Cowboy football games each week and another lady has been running a Halloween themed bingo game for the last couple weeks that just ended on Thursday. I finally had to tell the Cowboy lady to make me off her email list, I told her I am a recovering gambler and if I started playing and ended up taking up gambling again and were to lose everything I might just have to file suit against her and the company for pressuring me into gambling in order to keep my job.

She told me she...

She had told me she couldn’t take me of the list and the owner approved of her sending it out. I told her to make sure the owner knew of my situation and what could possibly happen if I slipped up and started gambling again, that was the last day I received an email concerning how many squares were left for the upcoming game.

Not just one...

I am not talking about one email a week either, by the end of the week it would four or five emails a day letting people know there is 9, now 7, down to 4 and only 3 left so get them now. Every time someone bought a square she would send out an email to let people know how many were left.

The I T guy too...

I just wish these people would put as much effort in their work as they do these damn games they are promoting. I have been waiting on a battery charger and a battery for my work computer for over three weeks now and finally Thursday I gave the IT guy a call and asked him where those are. I can get emails on my phone so he emailed me back and said he hadn’t forgotten and those just magically had shown in the main office on Thursday so he would sent them right out to the Houston office.

I know damn well...

I know damn well he forgot, he said he would have to order them on his weekly order and that it would be about five business days to get them in. He got them in I am sure and then just forgot to ship them out. Why do people have to lie when they screw up? I know he wasn’t missing any of the bingo emails since he commented on plenty of those when he would have a word on his bingo card.

I have ranted enough...

I have ranted enough for this “almost” Daily Dose, but I have had some catching up to do. My time is also getting very limited too; I have done 4 drawings already in the last week and have four more to do this weekend. So my poker playing is going to have to take a back seat to the drawings.
Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


Almost daily. Ahahahaha That must make me almost weekly. I do know how hard that streak is to continue, I did it one year. Seth Godin has several 'on the hook' for staff if crap really rolls down hill. Presumably he'll publish one more after he dies.

Anyway my point is that you have doubled up a couple times so your name probably should be 'above daily dose'. In the interest of honesty.

Net of it is, I like the daily dose. I think that ought to stay.

I'm guessing that the best news is that it won't be long til you can tell the emailers and other pests to guzbuk off. I don't get it. I at least look at every email I get, and the asshats that are just sending junk are taking time out of my day.

And the grade. I figure you get about 110% for frequency and number. Call it 96% for content (nobody gets 100) and 94% for general comportment. That totals up to a smooth 300, divide it by 3 and you are just at 100%. Numbers don't lie (though statisticians might) :)

Statisticians can take any set of numbers and make them say what ever the person who is paying wants them to say that is for sure. Another thing for sure is the name will remain the Daily Dose. The support for keeping it has been overwhelming and quite frankly, even if it wasn't, that is what I started with and I like it.
Like I said in another reply to a comment, being average among a highly talented pool of people isn't a bad thing. My Daily Doses are just stories I tell from daily experience or memories with a little humor mixed in every now and then and so that is why I give it a C.
There are a lot of people who put way more effort and time in on making their posts and deserve those A & B ratings, I am comfortable where I am in the pecking order and I am just being honest with myself and you folks.
I do appreciate the higher thoughts and like they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I am in no position to argue.

I feel your pain about the emails. I had a similar situation when I used to work at a recycling company and we had international branches, but my job meant I had to leave my phone on next to me 24/7 and we had that one annoying person who loved to email me at 3am... haha
As for the daily dose, keep it as that! The name has been earned by all accounts! :D
Also, I just wanted to let you know a few people were quite worried about your disappearance for a couple of days. People care when you are not there my friend ;) I don't think many people would be noticed missing if they took a few days off steemit! I don't think anyone would miss me! haha :)
BB <3 #steemitbloggers

It will be back to business as usual here with the next edition. Thanks for your support and comment.
I had a customer call once at 3:00 AM to leave me message one time, he was very surprised when I answered that call.

FOR TSE: Let's see ... the company allows this crap ... but you might get in trouble for blogging here because this could be classified as "a second job?" The more I hear about this place, the more I think if you manage to shit-can it, the better. (And you can quote me on that as you walk out the door.)

I know you've got to keep the kids in insurance, but I'm really hoping you come up with something better. Like a company who truly appreciates having you on their team -- more than these people have shown. (Which wouldn't be hard, IYAM. You can quote me on that, too ... as part of your exit lines -- if you have time before the door slaps you in the ass. You're welcome.)

Yes, it is kind of amazing really. I am reasonably certain I will be changing company's right at the first of the year. We are working on the insurance stuff and I think it will all come into place so I will keep your lines in mind.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 300 (11/02/18)

Glad to see you're back. You certainly deserve better than an average grade for 414 days and almost no misses. It takes a lot to put together posts! Well done @sultnpapper. Bingo on the job geesh, crazy!

Thank you @birdinparadise. Being average among a very high talent pool isn't all bad and that is realistically what is here on steemit, at least the regulars who have stayed.

Stick with the name "DAILY DOSE." You do them daily, and the missing of two measly days was not your fault, but the loss of an Interwebz signal. Besides, everyone deserves a day off here-and-there. 😉

Thanks @thekittygirl , it will back to the normal Daily Dose with the next edition. I appreciate your support and encouragement.

"Almost daily" hahaha. You deserve more than C, give yourself some more credit 💚

No , really it is a "C", seldom do I ever do something that involves a lot of research and hours of preparation I am just a story teller of my travels and my thoughts, mixed in with some humor every now and then.
The stuff that I do cover about politics and law is stuff I have studied for years and so it comes naturally to me as well when I share that information.
I appreciate that you feel it deserves a higher grade but I don't see it that way. There is nothing wrong with being average when you are in a group of highly talented people either. If everybody on here was a moron or idiot then being average might not be so good.

Don't be so hard on yourself, I give your "almost" daily dose an easy B! LoL. You do put in a lot of effort and I always enjoy reading your posts.

I think there is a lot to say about the quality of "work" getting done these days. People are more consumed with games and social medias then they are about doing their jobs..

Thanks Hippie. I just don't fit in with the games at work stuff. Work isn't getting done properly and people are spending what should be productive time playing, just doesn't make sense to me, but the owner is the one who lets it happen so it is his to do as he sees fit.
I appreciate the B, thanks.

The Almost Daily Dose sounds hilarious, but it might become a tiresome mouthful after a while. Instead, why don't you create "Sultnpapper Days" a bit like "island time" – ie, days that are a bit more flexible than Roman calendar days.

Na, nothing is going to change, it will still be the Daily Dose. That is what I started with and I intend to continue it that way. I just felt that I needed to at least consider it, but the overwhelming support has been to leave it as is.

howdy sir sultnpapper! I agree with your other commenters, it should be the Daily Dose again although I thought the Almost Daily Dose was pretty funny! lol. great job overall though.

Thanks sir, it will remain the daily dose, it may just not be delivered every day like clock work. but when it does it will be daily for that day.

haha! with everything you got going on we will all understand totally!

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