Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/01/18 > Well my string is broken… but not my spirit.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

I knew it would...

I knew it would eventually happen that I would end up failing to post a Daily Dose, I had gone a total of 414 consecutive days without missing a day but that ended on Tuesday when I had to put the “Temporarily Closed Sign”.

The reasons for...

The reason for me missing a couple days is twofold, the hotel I was checked into up in Mesquite, TX had a problem with their internet service on Monday and Tuesday and secondly I just did not want to get out of my room that late at night to find some internet. For me to try and write something on my phone and post it is nearly impossible, it was all I could do to put up the closed sign.

Bad timing...

The hotel is upgrading their TV and internet and so it was just bad timing. Honestly, I am really surprised that I made it as long as I have without missing, since the internet here at the house has been known to only work when it is above 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

I believe that problem got corrected last winter though when the temperature dropped down into the teens and that lizard that was staying in the internet junction box froze to death. After that cold / freezing snap it never gave us any more issues.

The trip to Dallas...

The trip to the Dallas area ended up being cut short and I returned back to Spring, TX Wednesday afternoon. The work I am doing right now is very dependent on the weather and the heavy rains screwed us for the rest of the week.

In the last Daily Dose...

In the last Daily Dose on Monday I mentioned that I would be stopping at Sam’s for lunch, which I did, I also mentioned it is in Mexia, TX which it isn’t.

The exit for Sam’s is the Fairfield, TX exit. I remember now why I associated it with Mexia, because years ago when I would go to Cleburne from Houston I would cut across the country to get from I-45 over to I-35 and that road goes right through Mexia. You can also get to that same road by exiting at the exit where Sam’s is, it is just a little further north than you really need to go to catch that road when you come from the south.

It has been...

It has been about 3 or 4 years since I had eaten at Sam’s and nothing has changed. It still has the buffet that is about 30 feet long with salad stuff and about another 20 feet long with hot foods. The food, well I say food but I mean the BBQ, really wasn’t that great.

I don’t remember in the past that they had sauce on the meats but they did on Monday. I just had the buffet anyway, I was hungry. How many of you would like to take a guess on what was on my plate?

It was a pretty easy guess, mashed potatoes and meat, even though I don’t really like BBQ sauce on my meat but I did eat three plates full so I didn’t leave the slightest bit hungry. One thing I had forgotten about was the hot bread, homemade and fresh out of the oven and served warm.

Sam’s won’t make the “Will eat BBQ 4 U” Texas BBQ review, I am just not going to put BBQ cooked and served with sauce. Call me stubborn, but why even bother to smoke the meat if you are then going to try and hide the smoke flavor with some pasty sauce?

If you like veggies...

If you like veggies and salads though you will thoroughly enjoy eating at Sam’s Restaurant located at the Fairfield, Texas exit on I-45 between Houston and Dallas. They also make some great pies there too.

Tuesday was ...

Tuesday was a good day as far as work went, our company sells pump stations and so we spend Tuesday removing and old pump station for the golf course irrigation system at a Dallas golf course.

This was a tricky removal since the pump station was elevated about 15 feet in the air and we needed a big crane truck to lift the parts out the roof of the building and then lower them to the ground. These pumps on golf courses are usually a style of pump called a vertical turbine pump and the electric motor sits at the top and the vertical shaft spins the impellers to pump the water.

So the pump assemblies were about thirty feet in length each so that was the need for such a big crane. I have thrown a picture in here so you can see the crane as it was hoisting one of the three pumps out of its spot.

The rain moved in...

The rain moved in overnight and that made us have to postpone the installation of the new pump station for Wednesday. That golf course was barely dry enough to get the crane in to remove the old pump station so it might be another week before we can get the crane back across the fairway to set up installing the new pump station. Golf course greens keepers are pretty picky when it comes to their turf and they don’t take kindly to having vehicles put a bunch of ruts in their fairways so we will have to just wait until it is dry enough to do it.

So I left Dallas...

So I left the Dallas area on Wednesday morning and headed back home, rained the entire way and got home just in time for us to be put under a severe thunderstorm and tornado warning. That cold front blowing in from the north hit that warm moist air coming off the Gulf of Mexico right over the north part of the county where I live so the rain and storms were pretty intense.

It would figure...

It would figure that it would be Halloween night so there wasn’t any Trick of Treating for Shortie. The good news in that is that we also didn’t give out any candy so she and I have plenty; I just love the Snickers bars and the plain Hershey’s Chocolate bars. The only thing now is they make them so small you have to eat five of them to have the same amount of chocolate that one candy bar had when I was a kid.

Back in those days, that candy bar was a nickel, now you pay well over a dollar for it and I now it is smaller than when I was I kid. Those bars might be about the same length as back then, but I know they are nowhere near as thick.

I knew there was...

Damn. I knew there was something else I was forgetting, today is old cousin Lyle’s birthday today, if he had been born just a few hours earlier his birthday would have been on Halloween. I think he and his good buddy Robert Earl are touring right now, yes I just check his website.

Lyle is off today but playing in Florida for six days straight starting Friday and after that then Mobile AL. on the seventh day. I thought I waited later in life to raise kids but …

I am back...

Anyway, I am back and I appreciate the up votes and well wishes to me while I was gone. The string may have been broken but my spirit isn’t and I just cashed out $25 SBD from the poker site to buy some steem and keep the SBI Saturday going so we are good for at least a few weeks; if I don’t carried away and start naming a bunch of people in the Saturday Daily Doses.

As most of you know, I give away three shares of SBI(steem basic income) each Saturday to people I come across on here that I find deserving, but aside from those three, if your name is also mentioned in the Saturday Daily Dose but not featured you still receive a share of SBI. I think the most I ever gave away in one Saturday edition was eight shares.

So until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


You had me worried mr Papper, glad you're back!
I don't know how you manage to find the time to write your daily dose, takes real dedication!
I agree, lathering BBQ meat in sauce is just not appealing but hot homemade bread certainly is!
We're leaving the Drakensberg today, had a lovely break, but it's back home today to a busy weekend with a large family group coming for a 70th birthday party so we'll be full house!
Glad to see those salt & peppers again :)

Thanks Lizelle, it actually comes pretty easy for me because I do it last thing of my day. Some days though it can be a struggle to get it done and posted before my eyes close for the night. I need to start a little earlier on it, normally I start around 9:30 to 10:00 but it is been well after midnight a few nights by the time I get done and even 1:00 in the morning so I may have to get started around 8:30 or 9:00.
Glad you had a good week and having a party planned sounds like a winner to so have a good time.

Well, now you're going to have to change the name. It definitely isn't a daily dose anymore...

Just kidding of course, I'm surprised that you went so long without skipping a single day. That's an amazing feat on its own.

Yes, I should probably rename it to, "The Almost Daily Dose of Sultnpapper" . During HF 20 when it had things screwed up I shifted the Daily Dose over to WeKu until things got straightened out over here, so I was able to keep it going even through that. I was spent though late Monday night and Tuesday so I just let the streak play out.

Did Shortie not get to wear her inflatable sloth outfit then? I'm catching up, as I was away on my mountain leader course on Wednesday, so I was up a mountain on Hallowe'en. I do like sloths, and I think we can learn a lot from them in this frenetic age, so I hope she gets to wear the outfit sometime.

She got to wear it on Sunday to the church Trunk or Treat and she also got to wear it to a couple stores that had an indoor trick or treat in their various departments. But we got totally rained out here on the actual Halloween night so she didn't get to trick or treat in it on Halloween.

I'm just damn glad that the streak was broken out of something so mundane as no innerwebs at the motel. That's a mighty fine streak, and a good target to shoot at. I am just absolutely certain that I wasn't the only one to miss the daily dose. Says something about the writer.

I am fairly familiar with vertical turbines. I had an incident in my past where I was in position to correct a mistake that a tech made on the bowl adjustment of a vertical turbine. It was better than 800 feet of drive shaft and he wasn't accounting for enough stretch in the shaft. Anyway there was a huge screaming match and I chased the tech off the property. I set the slack myself and it worked. If we'd have used his settings we'd have ground the bottom stage into dust. So. The pump company offered me a job, and the motor company offered me a job. I didn't take either one but I did do some 'consulting' for both from time to time. Good old fashioned greasy consulting. My favorite kind :)

I'm really glad you are back, man!

Good to be back and I almost didn't get this one posted due to the storms last night. The power kept going in out briefly last night just about the time I was getting ready to hit the post button.
800 feet down is a lot of threaded connections to work if a adjustment error is made. That would be a big problem for sure.
So, you're saying people actually missed the Daily Dose? I'll take you at your word until proven otherwise. Thanks man.

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

I really love your wonderful article. Awesome words and presentation. love your style. God bless you.

Thank you, I appreciate your kind words and support.

I am happy your are back and I was thinking about how those could have been the reasons for your absence. I am glad I was right and that you are ok. You know how mind sometimes goes to the worst case scenario, well, I stopped mine and just convinced it that there was no internet. congratulations on your poker winnings, you deserve to award yourself with another Hershey’s Chocolate bars, or 5 ;)

Thanks. The poker site likes for people to take their cash outs on the first of the month, other wise you pay a five sbd fee for a rush service . No need in doing that in my book, that is just five more shares of sbi I would have been able to give away.
Glad you were right too about my being missing.

that was a hell of a streak.
im only at day 16 and ready to break!!

Yes, it might be a long time before I get to those numbers again. I have been so busy lately with life and trying to get it sorted out all I have been to do for the most part is meet the minimum requirements of the groups I belong to on here before I fall asleep. I haven't looked at my feed in quite a while. So I need to change that soon too.

What a week. Sorry you broke your streak. I have thought of posting every day, but life just gets in the way. As for that barbecue sauce, my husband would totally agree with you. He always says it's a sin to ruin good meat with a sauce!

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