Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 10/18/18> This is a TEST; a test of my ability to adapt.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

This last week has surely had to be a test and I appreciate all the encouragement and support that you all have given me.

Between the lack of sleep, the trying to get some orders pulled forward, lettimg my customers know that things will be changing shortly, plus looking for a new job; I am pretty well spend emotionally. I was hoping to relax a little Wednesday evening and catch the Astros and Red Sox game on TV but watching them end up going down three games to one in the best of seven series for a shot at another World Series titled did nothing for me in the form of relaxing.

In between glances at the game I was scouring the internet looking for file conversion software for the drawing program I have and that looks like it was a waste of time as well. For the amount of time spent jacking with downloading free software and waiting forever for the stuff to load and then to find out it won’t covert the files back far enough for what I need that ended up being a waste of an evening.

The developer of the drawing program that I have is a good guy and I have known him for twenty years or more so I got him on the phone and he hooked me up with access to his current subscription drawing design software he has online. It looks like I am going to have to learn that program in order to do the designs that my customer is willing to pay me for doing.

So, just when I thought I would be able to jump right on doing those designs I will have to get this new drawing program figured out before I can start on those. The good news is at least I won’t need to by a new computer or buy the software and he gave my thirty days full access to the program at no charge and he told me when that runs out just give him a call and he would send me a new key so I can keep going.

So instead of being where I would be teaching the youngest boy this weekend how to draw I will have to learn myself.

All I can say to what is going on right now is that every day seems to bring a new challenge; my ability to adapt to change is surely being tested. You would think that by now the man upstairs would cut me some slack but I guess he has his reasons for continuing to test me. I would be lying if I told I can’t wait to see what’s next, so I won’t.

Whatever it is though; I will be sure to share it with you.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


Major life changes are not for sissys, are they? It really sounds to me like you are right on top of the things you need to do right now and are also in a pretty good position with the things that are coming. In fact, from my perspective you seem to be doing a 'textbook' job of managing the change.

I always like having a few days between jobs. I didn't always get what I wanted, but I sure liked having some time between.

So. I once called in sick on my first day on a new job.
I also had a very late contract change to start on Jan 3 rather than Jan 2. That was the last time the Cougars were in the Rose Bowl (they've never won one in my lifetime) and I figured to be a basket case even the day after. As it turns out I came in on Jan 2 and gave them a free day on my contract, but I DID cover my bases. Fact of the matter is I went in after the game on Jan 1 to make sure that my keys fit and that my code worked on the alarm. I told my boss I was doing so.

You ought to have some fun learning the ins and outs of the new software this weekend, maybe even get your son involved? It seems to me that children that age are really clever with computers and such, even though they may deny it...

My absolute go to last card in the deck for my I phone is my God Daughter. She's 17 and knows all. And is so patient with my uneducated ass.

Well, the good news is I presume that you will have a little 'free time' on Sunday with Blondie. May be a reason that youth pastor is being a dick.

I have never read the textbook on how to manage these changes and just going on gut instinct. So I am glad to have your critique thus far.
Just need to keep after it and try and get through the as best I can while I get my ducks in a row, I didn't even know I had ducks until last Wednesday, now I have a damn flock of them.

Between the lack of sleep, the trying to get some orders pulled forward, lettimg my customers know that things will be changing shortly, plus looking for a new job; I am pretty well spend emotionally. <<< oh gosh, your week sounds like mine.

I've had the 2 most exhausting weeks of my life. And no end in sight any time soon. Hang in there!

Well, Thanks for the encouragement and same for you, Hang IN There.

It is always nice to learn new things and I see this as a good thing. Good luck with the drawing program, I am sure you will do good. 💚

I am pretty sure that I can be proficient in it in a short period of time. Just learning all the shortcut keys will be the tricky part. I know how to design the systems it is finding my way around inside the program that will be the learning curve.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Testing times for sure, but at least you don't have to buy that costly software just yet! Wish you well with the drawing package, us humans are the most adaptable creatures on earth.
Not easy times though!

Thanks Lizelle. The drawing is something with a lot of potential upside and can be done from anywhere at any hour so that will be an avenue that I look to develop and get into deeper. Not easy for sure these times.

howdy sir sultnpapper! well all of life is a test and you seem to be passing!

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