Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 10/08/18> “Tickets, tickets, get your tickets.” You are required…

in #dailydose6 years ago

I didn't discriminate...

I used to have a knack at pissing people off when I was younger, I am not proud of that, just stating a fact. To me it really didn’t matter who I was pissing off either. I would be what you might call an equal opportunity type person because I didn’t discriminate when it came to making people angry with me. I had a real sharp memory and a quick tongue so that was an awesome combination for firing back remarks at people that would get under their skin.

A competitor of...

A competitor of mine, who lives down in the Rio Grande Valley where I was working last week, has been a long time friend of mine. We share some of the same sales territory obviously and despite being fierce competitors we have remained good friends for over two decades, we both worked in sales at the same company several years ago. Last week Ronaldo and I had lunch to catch up and visit about family and life in general.

Ronaldo Jr. had...

He shared with me the story of how is oldest boy, Ronaldo Jr, had won a brand new Chevy Equinox sport utility vehicle a couple months earlier. It was a raffle that was being conducted to raise funds for a local Catholic church.

He really didn't need...

The boy purchased a ticket and when the drawing was held he was the grand prize winner. The thing was, he really didn’t need a vehicle, he had recently purchased a new pickup truck so he was able to get the dealership to buy it back from him at a slightly lower price than the church had purchased it for so everything work out good for young Junior.

Very seldom do...

His father told me that according to the dealership very seldom do people ever actually take possession of the vehicles they win in raffles like that. He said most people who will buy a ticket never expecting to win and already have a vehicle, they just buy the tickets to support the cause. That surely seems plausible as evidenced by his son’s situation.

Made me think back...

Well that story made me think back to my days in high school and it was a Catholic High School that I attended. It must be a long standing tradition in the catholic faith to raffle off vehicles because I can remember being “required” to sell a minimum of 10 tickets each year when that raffle the high school put on took place.

My first three years...

I sold the minimum amount of tickets my first three years in high school but by my senior year I had enough of it so when I got my envelope with my tickets from the home room teacher I promptly placed them in my locker having never even broken the seal on the envelope. That envelope remained there until the morning the tickets and money was due to be turned it.

Not even a...

I had done my part the first three years and I never received a damn thing for selling those tickets, not even a “thank you”. I remember my sophomore year the teacher asked me why I wasn’t able to sell more even though I had sold all ten of the tickets.

So on that morning...

So on the morning those tickets and money were to be returned I fetched the envelope from my locker and proceeded to the home room before the last bell so I wasn’t tardy. The teacher, Mr. Pollock, started calling us all up one by one to turn in the tickets and monies.

I just dropped it...

When he called my name I got up from my desk and walked up to his desk at the front of the room. He extended his hand outward to receive my envelope and I just dropped it on his desk rather than hand it to him.

Mr, Papper, you...

I turned around and proceeded back to my seat. I was about half way back to my spot when Mr. Pollock realized what had taken place and he let out in a loud voice, “Mr. Papper, you mean to tell me that you couldn’t sell not even one ticket? You are required to sell this whole booklet of 10.”

Answer me...

I did not look back up towards the front as he was speaking to me and by the time he had finished I had made it to my desk. “Answer me!!!” was his next two words. Okay than, since he insisted I did answer. “My only obligation with regard to this school is to pay tuition and have the grades to graduate.” Then I proceeded to sit down.

The best "go to hell"...

Mr. Pollock was fuming and he turned beet red in color, he was staring at me with the best “go to hell” look he could muster. He wasn’t nearly as pissed off at me for not selling any tickets as he was for my response to him. Every one of my classmates that morning wanted to break out laughing but only a couple let out a brief chuckle and quickly got themselves under control.

The reason Mr...

The reason Mr. Pollock was so PO’ed was the words I spoke back to him were his exact words from a discussion in home room a couple months earlier in which he said that, word for word.

His words had come back to haunt him and everyone in that class new where the words came from, his mouth. He never said a word to me after that, and returned to calling the others to turn in their tickets and monies.

I have always been...

I have always been against being “required” to do something even since I was a young teenager and at sixty two I have not changed my thoughts or feelings on that. I live in the United States of America, where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are supposed to be my God given rights and protected by the constitution.

I can tell you...

I can tell you this much, damn near everything you think you are required to do, you are not. Only through the lies and deception you have been programmed to believe otherwise. When more of us wake up and start speaking up then maybe some things can change, other than that, just get ready to have the government continue to hound you with things you are “required” to do.

A tip for you...

A tip to you teachers out there, be careful of what you tell your students. It may not come back to you; but it just might.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


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I was born a rebel and with a great sense of what is right and wrong. I must say that got me into a lot of tight corners. I love the way governments say you are required to pay taxes...I need to look into this further.

i don't know about where you are specifically but I do know that it holds true here in the US and , we are not required to do anything but we are tricked into believing we are and when the majority believe it, "it must be true".

The government here making up all kinds of random laws that you are supposed to follow, just because they say so...

Oh my word, thank you for my morning chuckle, I can just imagine that teacher's face :):)
Mr Papper, the rebel with a cause you are!
But it's so very true, we all are programmed into believing that we have to do what we're told is a must, we need to heed your advice!

You are most welcome Lizelle, thanks for being here to receive that chuckle.
His face was deep red and I will never forget his stare, it really was a go to hell stare, and we were in a catholic school too. Go figure.

Ahahahaha. I had people in general and teachers specifically pissed at me as a general part of my routine.

My buddy Ray bought a 3 year old 50 mile Harley Davidson from a guy that won it in a contest. I'm not much of a HD guy but I buy a couple tickets every year for the cause it supports. Anyway, the guy tried to sell it back to the dealer and felt the 'buyback' price was too low, so he parked it in his garage and put a cover on it. Three years later he and his wife were read to buy a house and that HD represented his down payment. Ray got the bike for a very fair price and re sold it at a reasonable return. I got to ride a brand new Harley Davidson home. Everybody was happy.

Until I got to High School I was 'paddled' with fair frequency. I just wouldn't, or couldn't let stuff go. In High School corporal punishment was banned (We got a new administration when I was a freshman). My senior year the Principal and football coach decided that boys would do pushups as a deterrent and punishment. 50 for first offence, 100 second, 200 for the third and so on. Gunner and I got to the first Friday and had to go to the office to do 200. The coach needed both of us for the game that night and didn't want us exhausted. So he made a decision regarding the two of us. Our number reset every week and punishment could be postponed one day for athletic contest reasons. We ended up doing 250 on Monday because something more came up. :) When I started that year I could do 100 at a set and by the end of my senior year I could do 200 :) Gunner, too. I always bellyached that my arms were WAY longer and I should either do 10% less or Gunner 10% more. Never happened.

I know I like your style, I'm guessing I always would have.

Amazing how those punishments could be deferred in order to help the coaches teams do better.
That Harley deal sounded good for everyone involved too.
Yes, I was never a teachers pet or preferred student. There was one teacher who's voice and tempo of speaking was so go that I never had to take notes and recall everything he said. I never took notes and he just knew I was cheating on the tests so he made me take all my tests with me sitting in a desk at the front of the room right next to his desk and where I was totally separated from the other students.
We had no bells to signal the end of classes, when the clock clicked over we just got up and left. That class was my last class before lunch so I wasted no time getting out of there and down to the lunch line.
One day he was trying to finish a lesson that we were going to be tested on the next day, he was still spitting out information as I was walking out the door. So he loaded up the test with 5 questions of stuff he knew I wouldn't have heard because I adiosed him before he got it out.
One girl that I was really good friends with heard him mumbling to his himself "I'll teach him a lesson..." so she shared with me the last three minutes of information he went over.
I got 100% on the test the next day, sitting next to his desk, he just was beside himself on trying to figure out how I was doing it. I never did tell him my secret and it was all in voice and presentation.

Ahahahaha That's just like home for me. I was a senior and had mandatory civics class. I had the same teacher back to back and he irritated me. So 4 of us cooked up a little story. Gunner couldn't be involved cause, well everybody knew the two of us. So another boy and the head cheerleader valedictorian girl set him up with a citizenship quandry (My father is from South Africa and my mother's Canadian. I was born here after the war where they met.... He fell for it hook, line and sinker. The next day we were on the shit list. Big time. He banished us to the library during class. Such a nasty punishment! After a couple of tests (he had to let us take the tests) he gave us the option to return on pledge of good behavior. I didn't and spent that hour in the library the whole year. He finally caved and let me spend 2 hours in the library with the other class. It was junior history that I had missed the year before taking physics. Everybody was happy. I could do ALL my homework in those two hours, and spend a lot of time reading books I didn't have to check out. The librarian, who hated most everybody became really fond of me and suggested things I might want to read. A huge win.

Oh, that was good. I now need to tell the story of our oldest boy and the one he pulled on his seventh grade teacher but I will have to save that for a Daily Dose, it is a really good one. In fact he might just have out done both of us. I have already started on the Daily Dose for in the morning so there is no turning back now, but unless something big comes up on Tuesday it will be the Wednesday Daily Dose. Trust me you will love this one.

Another day, another bad word

Yes @wales you are liable to run into a few bad words in these Daily Dose columns so if they offend you it might be wise just to skip on by the Daily Dose. I would perfectly understand and not think anything about it.
It is just how I write and tell stories and honestly, most of these bad words now are just everyday language for most people.
We really have sunken low as a society when you think about it, and that is a damn shame.

I'm not offended. Keep on trucking

I appreciate your hard work and tireless efforts. God bless your work! love your daily dose ❤

Thank you dear, I really enjoy reading comments like yours, makes me warm all over.

Ouch!! hahaha
My kids have used some things that I have said and when I least expect it...
So now I am very careful what I say in front of them....
Good one @sultnpapper :D

yep, wise thing to keep that in mind. Glad you enjoyed this edition.

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