Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/05/19> I haven’t been in this position in a while… naming names won’t cost me.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

This is the...

This is the first Saturday of the New Year and it is also the first Saturday since early May that the Daily Dose isn’t giving away shares of SBI. I have been so cautious on Saturdays for so long I am almost afraid to use names freely on this Saturday.

Things will be good no matter what since I would still have to go to my wallet and transfer money to SBI, I am not a programmer who has some program set up to run to detect names and purchase SBI for name mentions. I did all that manually so I would know exactly how much I was spending.

With the change...

With the change of jobs it means that I will have to be purchasing or leasing a vehicle as the new company doesn’t provide a company vehicle. So I have been looking online while at work the last few days for used pickup truck. One thing I know for sure is that I don’t need a new truck as in brand new if I purchase. The company pays a mileage allowance that is the $0.545 per mile allowed by law. Knowing what I know about Ford 150 pickup trucks and the V6 engine and 6 speed automatic transmissions that is what I am looking for in a used truck.

That is what...

That is what I have been driving for the last 7 years and that combination gets good gas mileage and the truck has been pretty much flawless. Plus it is not just the one truck I have been driving I base that decision on, the company has several of that set up and the mechanical failures have very few and far between. Normal wear and tear items like tires, brakes, and belts are expected to wear out no matter what manufacturer built the vehicle. It is the drive train components like the engine, transmission and rear gear assemblies that are the most expensive if they fail and the Ford F150 is rock solid in my opinion.

Right now the...

Right now the truck I am driving has 212,000 miles on it and wouldn’t hesitate to drive it on a trip from Maine to California if I needed to make that trip and would have full confidence in making the trip without any problems. So if I end up purchasing instead of leasing I have pretty much made up my mind on what it will be. Plus the fuel economy is pretty damn good on that truck as it has averaged over 19 miles per gallon for those 212,000 miles.

So in looking...

So in looking there are a lot of good tools available like Carfax which will tell you the complete vehicle history report including accidents, emissions testing, flooding and repairs done to the vehicle. In cases of accidents it will tell you just how severe the damage was so that you have a good idea of what the extent of the damage was done. Most really good used car dealers will provide the Carfax at no charge since they have a annual subscription to the service but individuals can purchase a Carfax report one at time if needed.

Kelley Blue Book...

Kelley Blue Book is another good company which monitors vehicle sales and does competitive analysis on vehicle sales in order to give consumers an idea of what the market prices are for vehicles in certain geographic locations. They also seem to very accurate when you start looking at the numbers they provide and they do it by zip code here in the USA so that is about as local as you can get. Plus they take into consideration mileage and the condition of vehicle plus whether or not the seller is a private individual or a dealer.

So right now...

So right now I am in research / buying mode and being the cheap bastard I am I looking at all the information I can so I can find what I think will work best for me right now at the least cost. Plus I never mentioned one person by name in this Daily Dose as proof I am cheap, it is Saturday and anyone mentioned gets a share…. oh, yes that stopped. That might take some getting used too.
You all have a great Saturday; it is back to the internet search engines now.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose. Be sure to check out this post by my good friend @fknmayhem here is the link


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Good luck with the truck search. Buying cars always give me the willies..I never feel people are being honest with me. As a result we always drive our cars for a long time, lol Hope the new job is a great fit @sultnpapper!

Thanks, I am sure I will need it, the luck. We drive ours for a longtime as well, we don't need all the latest and greatest things that everyone seems to need.
The new job will be a really good fit, I have known these people for about 20 years and they have known me that long as well. There are no secrets in a small industry either.

I think the current crop of pickups in general is a really, really good base to choose from. I'm a Ford guy but the last pickup I had was a Dodge and a damn fine vehicle.

I watch the pickup market around here moderately carefully and think it's really possible to get a really good buy now and again on the private side. I saw one in Wisconsin this summer (a 4x 150 Ford) that was 23k for a 2010 and I thought the dealer was out of his mind. Until I realized that it had less than 20k miles on it :) Probably made somebody a really good ride for the next 200k miles and 55c per mile would make pretty good payments and it would probably outlast the loan.

Good luck with the search. I actually love the finding part of the game.

It's Sunday morning as I type this. Have a nice PJ morning!

I have them on as I reply, thanks. Blondie has awoken yet, but I suspect she will stroll in here with hers on soon.
Yes, the truck market is strong here too. I drove a Dodge truck for five years at one other company and it was a good truck, only needed to replace the water pump on it, other than that not a problem.
I am pretty well set on getting the Ford with the V6 and 6 speed automatic , I have just seen to much first hand evidence of how good that combination is, so that is the road I am headed down at the moment.
I appreciate the wishes for luck, I'll need them.

For TSE ---> I hate buying a new car, and not the least reason is because it means the old one is dead. It's like saying a final good-bye to an old friend. I just hate it.

When I first moved to NM, to this valley where I needed 4WD in all seasons, my then-husband and I bought an American Eagle. Truly a pig of a car, but it had 4WD built in and my husband thought it was the best choice. (The $500 "additional dealer profit" right there on the sticker should have given us a clue. But we went ahead anyway.)

Never in my life have I poured so much $$$ into car repairs. I used to regularly spend $600 on it and then pray I could drive another few months.

When finally I told that then-husband that I might as well be making payments on a new car rather than keep up this game, we traded it in. There were five other American Eagles on the used car trade-in side of the dealership -- every one of them with lower mileage than on mine -- some of them considerably lower!!

Anyway ... as we were driving back home to the mountains (in my husband's car. I didn't even trust mine to make the trip home and back again.) he remarked, "Well, I guess the Eagle has come home to the mountain for the last time." And I started crying. (I know. Even I was annoyed. But there you have it.)

And he said in the most exasperated voice, "Rebecca, you are the only person I know who forms a personal relationship with her car."

Well, maybe he didn't know all that many people. ('Cause I can pretty much bet you @bigtom13 forms a personal relationship with his motorcycles. Same deal, AFAIC.)

Anyway. I hate shopping for new cars. Almost as much as I hate shopping for new husbands.

But sometimes, you just get to that point.

Ohhhhh. I had a friend back in the day that bought an Eagle Talon. Nice looking car, his wife liked it but what a POS that car was. I think every secondary system on that car failed in the first 60k miles, and some of them failed twice in that time.

You are right, I do form an emotional attachment with my motorcycles (and not so much with cars and pickups). I've only named one vehicle in my life and that was a Ducati. Pato Rojo. Red Duck. When I finally sell one of my primary bikes I am completely done with it. Except Pato Rojo. I still mourn selling that bike, but I really needed the money and I had the Connie and two more with me. The bike that the Connie replaced I gave to a young guy in Phoenix. It had 180,000 miles on it and he and his parents (good friends) were brutally familiar as they each had one just like it. :)

The Eagle never landed for most people, and those that it did land for got burned.
I think more people have a "relationship" with their vehicles than will admit it. I know I have had some that I wish I hadn't broken up with like the 67 Mustang Fastback GT I had back in the mid 70's. Man how I miss that old girl.

Hope you find a reliable vehicle Mr Papper, we tend to keep cars for quite a long time, while they're still reliable, always a concern when buying a new used vehicle!
Good luck with your search:)

Thanks Lizelle. I appreciate the wishes of luck.

I love Kelley Blue Book. I've used it often over the years. Not so much, Carmax.

A friend of mine told me recently that he has a friend who bought a 2018 Ford pickup (I don't remember the model), and he spent $15,000 modifying the engine. I thought, that's ridiculous. You spend $20K to $25K on a brand new vehicle then modify the engine? Nutjob.

There are several pickups now that cost well into the $60,000 range and higher so depended on what he did he might not be that crazy and saved himself a bunch. Chances are though, he's just a nutjob like you said.
I'll will have to look; I thought I said CarFax not Carmax so now you got me wondering. Carmax is a car dealer and CarFax is just a vehicle history service.
Yes, I did say Carfax so I am good with what I wrote, so many companies with damn similar names can drive you nuts.
Thanks dropping by and sharing that with us, great to see you here.

Yeah, I guess you make a good point. If you bought something for $25K and spent $15K instead of the full $60K, it could have been a savings. My understanding is, he took out the old engine and put in a new one. And I wonder, why not just buy an old shell and build your own the way you want it?

Yeah, CarFax. I was thinking Carmax. My bad. I haven't tried either one. lol

I agree with you on taking an old one and building it the way you want it, I love the old classics.

I know some find car buying shopping but I always find it a hassle always second guessing myself what is the best choice for needs and budget

good luck in your search and finding just the right vehicle for you

Thanks Jay. With the jobs I've had for the nearly 30 years I have always had a pickup truck as part of the job so it has been easy for me. Just drive what they give me.
It has also been easy for the family vehicle because the wife picks that out since she is the one that drives it 90% or more of the time.
Like you though, I find my self second guessing just which way I should go.

When I was in Field Missions for about 15 years vehicles were provided for work, and there wasnt generally much to do for pleasure other than shopping for basic supplies so I had it easy for those years

Good luck finding a vehicle that works for you without to much second guessing

MOst welcome my friend

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Best of luck in your search! The F150 is a great, solid vehicle. I learned the hard way to take CarFax with a grain of salt, not all accidents are reported to them.

My '16 Prius was sideswiped by someone while it was parked on the street and when I took it to the body shop they told me it had previously been in a front-end collision (yet it had a clean Car Fax) and the entire front bumper had been replaced. If I would have known that I likely wouldn't have bought it, or would have tried to negotiate a lower price.

Thankfully, there were no other major problems and I've gotten a good year of trouble-free driving out of it.

My apologies Eric with this late reply I have been swamped with stuff this week. My Daily Dose has been shut down because of it.
The Carfax isn't a 100% accurate for sure, it relies on input from service outlets and insurance companies so if your car was repair by a shop that doesn't report and a body shop that doesn't it would have been missed for sure.
It would have helped to know though, you might have been able to get a better deal if you had had that information.
Thanks for the support, hopefully I can get caught up and get back to putting the Daily Dose out this weekend.

No problem, @sultnpapper! I hope you get a chance to have some R&R this weekend.

Well, the thought was good but not a chance as the weekend is over and I am still way behind. Maybe the 15th I can get a BBQ review done and get caught up.
Thanks man.

The weekends can slip away way too fast! I've been busy gathering everything together for taxes, maybe that torture will be done soon I can get back on some kind of regular blogging schedule. : ) My stomach always rumbles at the mere mention of BBQ. Have a good week!

Looking for a new car is half the fun! Feels great finagling a deal

Don't tell me the other half the fun is paying for it. I have good negotiating skills but several dealerships have gone to simple one price, no negotiating of price so the sales people are more like tour guides just showing you around.

I guess I haven't bought a new car for almost a decade now, that's kinda disappointing

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