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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/23/18> Checked the numbers… right on target for Christmas.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Haha! I used to think I was adopted because I have so many traits that my parents and sister don't share. Now I think it's just the way genes behave.
When I started posting on Steemit I used to tick the automatic self-voting box. I thought you were meant to. Then I realised it was sometimes frowned on, and my vote wasn't worth much anyway.
Now I unintentionally self-vote because I'm part of a curation trail that I auto-vote. As @bigtom13 says, I probably deserve the upvote as much as the others on the trail do, so why not?
At least I don't post a comment and then give it an upvote. I've seen some very successful and well-known Steemians do that regularly!


You were adopted, your family just never told you, I checked.
Give a couple votes to some groups to upVote with like the Steemengine to upVote the Daily Whistle Stop and School of Minnows but other than that I cast all my own votes as I see fit.
I do get the regular upVote on my post from SBI and I guess I bought and paid for those so that could be considered "self voting" or bot voting too. I just don't go clicking the vote button though on my own posts and I would never even consider upVoting one of my own comments.
Maybe over on WeKu though, I could make the post, upVote the post then comment on the post and upVote the comment. You just doubled up my non-social growth experiment results, Thanks.
Oh, just fooling on the adoption, they said they found you in basket down by the river and decided to keep you, no adoption necessary. Finders Keepers rules applied.

Haha! I used to ask my parents so often whether I was adopted that they would be incredibly bare-faced liars if I wasn't! Basket in the river though... hmm...
Glad to have given you another angle for your self-voting experiment on WeKu. Looking forward to reading the results.

I am looking forward to the experiment results also. Something has happened with the numbers 1 and 2 that I didn't expect to happen, people have actually upVoted those posts.
Number one got two upVotes that show a value of $0.94 right now and the number two has exceeded that with 3 upVotes and $2.13 in earnings thus far. I haven't even add my upVotes to either post yet. I am going to hold off doing that until around day 5 of each post as to try not to draw attention to what I am doing.

My mother had a friend who, as a child, used to pack her suitcase regularly and sit out on the curb waiting for her "real parents" to come back and get her. She wasn't adopted and that used to irritate her mother no end. I don't know if it was just that she felt so alienated in the family or if it was some past-life memory. In any case, the family talked about it for years ... how Flo used to sit on the curb and wait to be claimed.

Aw, her poor parents! I can't imagine better parents than my own, but I've always been very individual and independent-minded. I think I just wanted an explanation as to why I was so "different". And also I had a wild imagination 😂

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