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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/24/18> Just what are your goals here? Do you even have any…

in #dailydose6 years ago

Oh yes, if I ever set a "goal" the discipline I'm trying to give myself almost immediately falls apart. I think I'm just not a routine kind of person. I used to set New Year's Resolutions, but I can't be doing with that nonsense these days! Although a couple of years ago I made a New Year's Resolution to make at least one person laugh every day. I kept it up for about three months, and it was a lot of fun! Often I would just post something funny on social media, and if it got a thumbs up, I'd completed my mission for that day. After a few months I forgot about it.
You've done pretty well posting every day though!


I have approached it as one day at a time, nothing more and nothing less. Taking little pieces and stringing them together is easier than trying to bite off more than I can chew.
That laugh a day is a good one too.

Yes the laugh a day was fun. The best New Year's Resolution ever. Who wants to deny themselves their favourite food or do some chore every day? What a negative start to the year. Much better to try spreading joy around :)

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