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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/07/19> Listen up computer manufacturers I’m talking to you; especially you Michael Dell.

in #dailydose6 years ago

This opens a lot of wider issues for me. I'm not great on the technichal side - all I know is that many goods are designed to fail, so that we have to buy more of them (I've discussed this with you before, re The Lightbulb Conspiracy film).
I have an old Macbook laptop which was top of the range when I bought it in 2006. It still clunks along, and I use it for certain tasks. I may even try and upgrade it at some point.
Over the years I've gone through many different types "mag safe" charger leads, which all seem to fray at the connection point after about 18 months. Eventually I found a great one on eBay that has an ultra-long cord, and it's been going for years without fraying. I can't remember who the manufacturer was, but they've probably gone out of business now, as no one will be buying any more of their products, because they last so long!
This is a fundamental flaw in our society, which has an environmental cost AND takes a toll on our health - because we all end up working much harder as a result.
If all products were built to last, there wouldn't be as much employment, but it wouldn't matter, because we'd all be wealthier anyway, as we wouldn't have to keep spending our money on more useless gear that doesn't last! And there wouldn't be so much litter ruining the environment!
The only ones who wouldn't benefit from this situation are the ones who make fortunes out of people buying things they've invented over and over and over again - like Michael Dell. He'd still be pretty wealthy, because millions of people would buy his creations. But they wouldn't have to keep buying them over and over and over again.
I recommend listening to the works of agorist thinkers like @dbroze. It is a kind of anarchist thought, and there are some aspects of it that I question, but most of it makes a lot of sense to me. I'm not trying to "convert" you - I'm generally wary of getting too caught up in "isms". But it is a philosophy that interests me.

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