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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/29/18> For the final time; SBI Saturday at the Daily Dose.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Thank you, thank you so much. You do so much for everyone, I wish there was a way to show you just how grateful I am to have people like yourself on this platform.

You have had an amazing run, not only in the giveaways (who doesn't love the giveaways??) but, your Daily Dose of wisdom that has been entertaining and giving advice to peoples since I have been here. I hope things pick up here on Steemit.

It feels like home to me.

Thank you again, you kind soul. You have a heart of gold.



Thank you so much Denise for the kind words, "heart of gold" might be a stretch but I do care about people and I do try to help where and when I can. Really, that is all each and everyone of us should do.
We can't expect the same people to do everything all the time for everyone so we should step up and do things when we can. That goes for here and in the real world as well,( but you know that), so don't take what I am saying as being directed towards you. You do plenty on here as well and my thanks to you for doing it.

As for the "wisdom" , I came here to share what I know and believe. It might be considered wisdom by some and BS by others, but it is what it is. The main thing I try to do is get people to think. There is more "doing" being done and less "thinking" and it really needs to be the other way around, that is also an opinion of mine.

You and that "tip" thing got me to thinking, I invested some steem or sbd in that program back several months ago and was promised a share in the profits based on the amount invested, I haven't seen a cent from that program yet on that investment. Oh well, easy come... easy go.

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