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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/02/18> I sure as hell didn’t see this coming…. started with fraud and ended in spying.

in #dailydose6 years ago

I'm pretty paranoid when it comes to such things also. I friend of mine told me stories many years ago about data collecting on citizens and I found it hard to believe but not so much anymore. Even putting out too much personal info on here gets me thinking that may not be the best thing sometimes. So much is hidden in a lot of those "terms and conditions" contracts but you almost have no choice in some instances. Crazy thing that happened to me was at 4am, my phone came on loudly with an ad. Scared the "bejeebers" outta' me. I told my husband and he seemed like nah..then it happened to him. Turned out it was google assitant. Happened several times before my husband finally got it turned off (we think as it came on once more since) but we never okay'd it to begin with. Especially, every time it came on was in the dead of night or morning depending on how you look at it. Anyway, great post and been hearing more about this 5G stuff. I'm a bit of a "truth seeker" and feel like we definitely aren't being given the full story on that. Certain frequency bands can be a good thing but can also be a very bad thing!


Ever since 9/11 and the government compromising more of our privacy rights the collection of data by just about every type business and government agency has been encouraged to collect information just in case the FBI or CIA or any other alphabet soup agency could possibly need it and the gov has a direct line into google for sure.

Yep! I believe so also!!

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