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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/24/18> Just what are your goals here? Do you even have any…

in #dailydose6 years ago

I sort of agree with the goals idea. I came here in very early January with the idea that I could network my way into a niche in the platform. I didn't come to make money, I'd been trying that on line for 10 years. I came to write with feedback. I've gotten a lot more.

For better or worse, my introduction post was reposted yesterday. Much to my surprise.

I think business and business people need goals. I don't think they should live and die by them, and they ought to be ready to chuck the whole list in an instant, but it's good to have a plan. If for no other reason to see how far you have deviated from it in reality. :)

I do know that I started looking the day I arrived. I wanted to find the 'good writers' and hang as close to them and learn the ropes. I staggered into a few places, not the least of which was SteemEngine. Good writers writing good stuff and supporting one another.

I love it here. I am the master of my own ship, and can do as I see fit with it.

OK, I have gotten in my F. Scott Big Tom mode, but I do want to say one more thing here. For the block chain as it were.

I, and I'm sure many others, hope your destination isn't. I hope it's just a way point on the larger journey. I mean I hope you don't decide you are done in 20 days, I really want to see you go on. I always want to see what's on the other side of that hill. I hope you do too.


I just read your into post, nice to meet you, I also read one part of the Mississippi series, that is great stuff you wrote there. I will go back and read the other,
I chose destinations over goals simply because goals always seem to be set with dates to be accomplished by and when that date passes if you haven't reached the goal you failed. With destinations if I get sidetracked or fall behind I can always get back on track and continue on without feeling any sense of failure.
Not sure at this point about anything past the destination of 365, I have been focused on getting there first and then I'll see. Thanks.

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