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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 02/03/19> Good idea… but pressed for time.

in #dailydose6 years ago

That sounds like a terrific Birthday Present. Unexpected and personal. The very best kind.

That's some serious knocking on the Poker Tourney. Played almost a third and won 95%? I'm really surprised you were second. Wow.

Course, if you get on a streak like that and nobody will bet against you. Probably cut your winnings down some.

I think I'll go over and send Mr. Bone a birthday greeting. You can tell him that I'm old and a smart ass so don't think too much about what ever it is that I say...

I figure your boycott is finished for the week. Sam and I didn't boycott the walk, real nice out there after a little rain last night...


I was running into a time crunch yesterday towards the end of the tournament and it was coming up on a five minute break so I pushed all in after the flop on the hand with K 3 , the flop was A K 7 or something like that and he had an A so even though I lost the hand I still had 80 chips left and the next 4 hands in a row I won being all in each time, I didn't have enough to cover the blinds. I didn't realize that over at that site if everyone at the table agrees you can cut the break short by clicking a box to resume early, which we did. So it took all of a minute and a half or so to lose after that big all in move I had lost on.
Luckily I was only a couple of minutes late picking the girls up from scouts and they never actually knew it since their meeting ran over by ten minutes too.
I would appreciate you sending him a note and I am sure he will as well.
We didn't watch Joel this morning I had to take advantage of the break in the rain showers and burn the trash and empty out my truck from Thursday when I picked up tons of new sample product and literature while I was over in San Antonio getting up to speed with my new employers.
The poker game for today got postponed until next week so I would have had time to do it this afternoon had I known, but of course I wouldn't know if the weather would cooperate so it was best to get it out of the way while I could.
Glad you and Sam got your walk in, the rain makes it a lot easier to see what is new out there for sure. It is almost like you two are Indian scouts checking the trails for intruders to the camp.

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