Daily Dose - Relentless Saturday Spraying - April 21st 2018

in #dailydose6 years ago


Perhaps the conditions in that altitude of the atmosphere were just right today as to allow every passing planes to produce a massive white streak across the sky, which would linger for hours spreading out and moving eastward. Or perhaps there really is something going on up there sinister..or perhaps not sinister..

A few things are certain:

-UV intensity at the surface of the earth is increasing due to a multitude of factors but predominantly the Earth's Magnetic Field is fading a bit, coincidentally, as we approach the "Grand Solar Minimum". As the field fades, (not to mention the rapid shifting of the geographic location of the North and South Magnetic poles as if we were about to undergo a massive global pole shift), it allows higher energy wavelengths of light to penetrate the atmosphere and reach the surface, such as more UVB and now UVC has been recorded at the surface, which was never believed to be able to reach the surface before and thus is not typically known.

-Weather has been wacky as all get out. No need to explain this one too much. Every one sees it for themselves, no matter where they live. I still haven't seen any bumble bees or nothing in terms of pollinators!

-We are now seeing some recognition that they are indeed spraying us, and manipulating us in other ways via all the documents they release themselves. Be it patents for weather modification or now, which we are just learning from an actual FOIA document released by mistake(?) which claims different techniques of mind control via cell phones and other monitors and gadgets, (not news to most of us anyways), all which are used to control the masses into being docile and not having the capacity to think for themselves and question authority.

We are living in a strange world.

What's the next big admission from big bro, clones are real now too?!

Stay Safe Everyone Out There














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