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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/02/18> I sure as hell didn’t see this coming…. started with fraud and ended in spying.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Oh oh oh! I hope this fraud case isn't the same thing that ALMOST happened to us here in Panama! We had a scammer come to "buy" our house. We blew her cover and her "husband" Votava (who is actually not in the US Army but some Nigerian with a horrible fake passport). Anyway, I'll have to check. That's crazy about google maps responding!! We have to use that here or waze. Can't get anywhere in Panama without them as there are no addresses...just directions like, "go to bar la reina, go up three streets and turn left, third house on the right." Better know where Bar La Reina is!! Let me know about this fraud!!!


I read that post of yours, that was quite a story. I did a post recently on the lost art of giving driving directions, it even got me a Curie up vote. People in the US never give directions anymore, just addresses.

Addresses would make getting around here so much easier! Can you believe that even Panama City doesn't have addresses that are used/recognized? I mean you give an address like "we live at HP Nautica which is at the crossroads of calle india and calle R sur." It's insane. There is no mail here either other than mail services like DHL. No mailboxes at the houses. Because none of them have addresses. We went to a house today and all we knew was it was behind the Chiriqui Mall and was number 174. You just pull up and hope it is right (and it was). I haven't ever really seen house numbers here either so when we were told those directions, we didn't believe it! Ha

I would think the DHL and the other services would have nightmare with that kind of set up. No mail in Panama, I wonder if they ever did?

Well the DHL driver, mailboxes etc, and other services just drive from one branch office to the next. No home delivery. I don't know that they've ever had mail delivery here. It's even pretty hard to find post cards that you can mail here. Or they're pretty old, faded, ugly. Panama does not do a good job with tourism since it makes all its money from the canal.

Very interesting. I just thought for sure that they would have a government run postal system of some sort.

Each larger town may have some type of post office but they would not be secure and no one would use them... There are people in the town near us who will sell you a stamp for $1 and take your mail to the USA when someone in the town heads that way (pretty often). That's about the only way I can send something and it costs a ton to receive mail through a forwarding system like Mail Boxes Etc. More than you ever wanted to know about Panama mail. ;)

Yes, I think you are right about that.

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