

Oh goodness I've missed you guys! How are you guys? Spring is coming!!!!

We've been thinking about you! We're good, real good :) Oh wow, already?! We had -17c the other day, the day before that it snowed for 2 days lol

We were supposed to get snow and ice the last two days, but it never got below 0°C and just rained. Nobody in Texas can predict cold weather lol

Omg you guys, there's so much to catch up on! This place is even more awesome than ever before!

haha well, thats not so bad then :)

yes i got lots of reading to do, to catch up. Quite excited to do that though!

Are you still making soes and paintings? @sagescrub has created an amazing space for steem Homesteaders and permies called Homesteaders Co-op where vendors can sell permaculture goods for steem, SBD, and USD. There's vendors all over the world already and it's only a couple months old.

I just got some blackberries and sunchokes on there that we'll be planting this weekend. And SEEDS! Oh goodness things have progressed so much!

Well sort off, I have been drawing but the leather work have been on hold. We did start up another part of our farm business and its been keeping us crazy busy the last month.
What?! I need to check that out for sure!!!

oh that awesome! wow, yeah we missed a bunch of things it seems but we're back now and eager to catch up! :)

Wonderful! Oh man, I'm really glad y'all are back! How was your harvest? I remember you did huge plantings last spring, did it all do well? How was your solstice? I think I remember you being into the seasons and Wicca and all. You just missed out on a huge series in @naturalmedicine about witchcraft that's leading me down a lot if different paths personally.

Wow, where do we start? People! @walkerland, @riverflows, @mountainjewel, @sagescrub, @buckaroo, @craigcryptoking, @porters, @papa-pepper, @stortebeker, @phoenixwren, @apinchofhome. There's a few to get started. So much has been going on. @naturalmedicine is exploding and @homesteaderscoop is really taking off. And that's just the stuff that's on chain! I'll make a big update post, as we've got a lot of progress to make here this weekend.

Hello! Fellow Pagan (Druid, specifically) here. Thanks for the mention, @nateonsteemit! :)
And I lol'ed over the image of you trying to take a photo of a chicken whilst under a hail of nerf. XD

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Our harvest was great - we had to bring some things in early because the weather forcast was saying it would snow, and it did, in August...
But yes, we saved most of it and ill make a post about it for sure :)

It was good, me and Brock got married on the solstice so we celebrated our 3rd anniversary this December :)
Yes, you remember correctly! Oh cool, ill have to check that out. Thats cool that you are learning more about it.

Oh i do follow a lot of them, i will check the rest of them out. Its exciting to hear about all these great things!!

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