in #dailybibleverse6 years ago

We deal with different people every
single day. Those people will always be a contributor to what you will feel. In
this blog, I will give you the 10 types of people who will surely make you feel

1. Impatient

Imagine someone who can’t wait for your sweet “yes”, someone who can’t wait you while you are enjoying your shopping, or someone who can’t wait for your decision. Those people will make you feel less important especially when they can’t wait for your decisions (may it be in life or in your relationships).

2. Short-tempered

I bet you can never get along with someone who gets angry easily. It’s normal for us to be angry at something but we must handle it properly. If you are with people who cannot handle their temper properly, then you must be cautious with them all the time and this is totally difficult.

3. Disrespectful

Whether you are in authority or you are a member of a group; you always want to be respected. Most especially in a relationship, both of you must respect each other.  Disrespect will totally make you feel useless and unloved.

4. Unkind

You will really feel unloved if you keep on hanging out with unkind people. They are those who don’t even possess love and affection: an individual who might be harmful. If that individual is harmful, would you love to stay with them?

5. Envious

Envious people are those who are not contented on what they have and what they possess. That is the reason why they keep on longing for another people’s possession. These people may develop hatred to someone because of being insecure and they may also develop hatred to themselves since they are not contended on what they have and what they can do. The worst thing that might happen when you are with them is that they will also become envy to you.

6. Boastful

You will totally feel unloved if you are with boastful people. Since they are always boasting on what they can do or what they have done, they will never appreciate you. They will never try to acknowledge what you have done and they will never try to know what you can do. All the time they are the superior or the “boss” and you are inferior or the “slave”.

7. Prideful

Prideful is next to being boastful. Prideful people always see themselves as perfect individual: they always have everything and they can do everything without someone’s help. You will never be appreciated when you are with them and even if you have helped them, they will still see you worthless. The next quality is also one of the qualities that a prideful person has.

8. Unforgiving

You will really feel unloved with unforgiving people. If people can’t forgive you in just a simple mistake, they can never forgive you for bigger ones. You can never mend a situation with them. However, you can still forgive them even if they can’t forgive you.

9. Selfish

Imagine you are with someone who doesn’t care about you: would you feel loved then? Would you feel loved if you are with someone who loves to satisfy himself only and no one else? Selfish people are those people who are just concerned of themselves without giving consideration to other people. It would really be hard to deal with these people if it is your nature to give and extend help to others.

10. Liar

How can you feel loved if you are always lied by someone? I believe that “LIE” is the most relationship-breaker. A single lie will always leave a stain in your relationship; it can never bring back the strong foundation that is called TRUST. Building a relationship needs to have TRUST and breaking it just needs to have a SINGLE LIE. No one ever loves to invest in a relationship that is full of lies.

We are all done with all the types. I hope that all of us were able to learn from this article. I hope that you will not just identify those people who possess these qualities. I mean, let’s stop pin pointing them. I hope that we also spend time to reflect if we ourselves have these qualities so that we will leave it in 2018 and start anew in 2019.

Let’s change ourselves for the better as one of our new year’s resolution.

Have a great weekend ahead everyone.


1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

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Inspired Pinoy

Live and Love the Life You Have

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://inspiredpinoy.com/2018/12/29/10-types-of-people-that-will-make-you-feel-unloved%ef%bb%bf/

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