Wed 26 Feb Journal Entry #3 -- More Bugs!

in #daily5 years ago

Hello Steemit!

It is day 3 of these journal entry posts, and I'm quite happy with my progress so far. Not quite on target, but any progress is good =P


I really wanted to get in a few extra hours of solid study time, but only really got about 2.5 hours of spare time on my hands. I split this roughly half between squashing a few more bugs in the sneaky-ninja script & reviewing some notes on the course I finished earlier this week.


After reviewing my goals for this year I realized that I am slightly behind schedule on my study plans. So I will need to catch a few extra hours of study each week to stay on track.

Something Else:

Daily Tasks Progress:

Almost all of the tasks were completed for the day, but its starting to look really good. My goal now is to keep the numbers up ^^

Daily Study Hours Progress:

The 1 hour of study time felt pretty good today, I spent it mostly on reviewing my notes but did a number of coding challenges in the last half.

Daily Project Hours Progress:

Reviewing the code of sneaky-ninja today revealed another couple of bugs that I managed to kill. As soon as this post goes live the changes will be committed to GitHub & I'm looking to do a pull request by Friday.

Overview for the day:

22 Tasks Completed!
1 Hours : 02 Mins Study Time
1 Hours : 22 Mins Working on Projects

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