Dear @DtubeDaily on @Dtube #147 // twelve years to ‘sort out’ the planet, finally a public timeline of doing something.

in #daily-vlog6 years ago

It’s no secret but maybe I don’t talk about it enough but two and a half years a go I made a firm decision — to leave city life and get into the countryside and nature and start to live a life constantly on the move, see the sights and sounds of the country and if finances allow drive over to europe and start driving around there too — my only issue was that I had to be back in 7 day increments. — certainly worth a read today and really is time to take notice and make creative corrections in your day to day life.

That never worked out as these things often do and although I’m in the countryside and loving it i need to replace my transportation with something that can cope with me living in it overnight, I’ve got a daily plan of driving fifty miles and ideally I’d like the transport to be electric — a van or something similar — and those cost wedge.

Anyway back on to the title and the point, in my little plan, I have a year and a half left to action that — I assumed by 2020 the world would be a much different place and keeping it moving would be the requirement to general living looking at the shit show that is the greater system outside the front door.

I’ve always been concerned about the ‘planet’ but not from a hardcore eco warrior or sustainability person but more from just a realist point of view — I’ve spent many years in the system and working for local authority to know that on the whole these systems are ineffective, poorly ran, mismanaged and bleed money.

The promised opportunities of green jobs and hollow promises are a memory for me, I’m out here for me and mine and I think a lot of people feel the same way — hats of for those people at the frontline debating it but whatever things get put in place you know on the flip side of that coin their is a deal going on or a digital manipulation in this day and age is possible — in short, it’s a shitstorm out here.

So i was reading my flipboard last night as I usually do and I finally see the news piece that should have been written probably twenty years ago, putting a realistic time frame on things — about fucking time, but the truth is, if they say twelve years, consider it to be really four, just for your mental stress and anxiety safety.

You see that was always a major failing for me in the way that the news was manipulated to read that we would be in dire straits by the ‘end of the century’ — that was the worst possibly way you could communicate something so drastic as climate change — it’s like saying don’t worry, it’s a long way away yet and so don’t worry about changing behaviour, it’s fine, keep going, keep polluting, keep using processes that infect and kill the very planet you live on.

You only have to look around, plastic bottles of fairy from fifty years ago found on the coast in the uk with the original print, like it was yesterday, that thing has been floating around out there for fifty years, slowly decaying, into the ocean, micro beads and all, you know, the very place where we get our fish from and where animals as part of the food table live? Yeah, ok, just checking your with me.

but you see the biggest virus on earth is us. We won’t admit it and we won’t change our behaviour because we are so trapped inside our own dominating self serving heads, we want the solution packaged, neat and tidy, we want other people to do the work and ‘what’s one person gonna do about it anyway’ and ‘I’ll be long dead before I see climate change’

If twelve years is the climax then consider this, my daughter will be in her early twenties, I maybe long gone btw and as I write this I can feel my insides tighten my mouth purse and tears start to build, the very notion what she may consider of me because of the planet around her and her shock and awe at the damage we have done — we are all in on this, let’s just accept it and stop throwing around blame.

Regardless of your ‘stance’ on climate, if it’s manmade or just natural, when scientists of your planet are sounding alarm bells is it not on each and everyone of us to do our bit to mitigate it? Even if it’s not your ‘views’ can you really gamble the very EARTH you stand on just because of an opinion? — if it’s a twelve year window is it not just worth adding that element into your life to be respectful of sharing that slight change to the way we operate on a daily basis?

I actually feel this new needs to gain momentum purely because of the ‘timing’ messaging, that’s the messaging that it always needed, that it’s problem soon, not later, it’s a problem that we have ideas that are generating that could be the solution instead of just maintaining ‘portfolios’ and ‘investments’ because you don’t like change or your EGO does not allow you to consider the wide world outside of your own wallet and finances.

I’m one and a half years from my target and at this rate I’m not gonna make it unless things drastically change for me, I’m drastically changing the way I live on a daily basis because I want to do my bit — I’ve scaled down the resources I use, the power I use, the place that I live, the car that I drive. .. I’m still working on the consumption and food size of things and I’m guilty of probably using technology that inefficient too — it’s a battle to be on the good side of doing your part but it’s the TRYING that’s important.

It maybe true that it’s too late in many regards, this planet will continue to spin regardless if we are here or not, maybe it’s what the human race needs so that it can evolve out of it’s lazy, leisure time, apathy phase so that we can become activated humans once more no longer influenced by media and an adulteress food chain.

I welcome the new reporting about TWELVE YEARS, for me that means I need to have resolved in my mind what living on this planet will be in the next FOUR — I’m 1.5 years left from the plan to keep it moving and to rejoice in some incredible spots of nature around this floating rock we called England, I’ve got so much still to see here and I intend to get out there.

If anything, it’s given me another kick in the pants to start that downsizing I had said I was gonna do and unburden myself from the things that trap us and keep us down on a daily basis. Be around the people you love and do the things that add value instead of getting trapped inside your own head and opinions — there is so much more joy to be had if we just allowed it.

also. . .. some power tips to get you started. .

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