Dear @Dayleeo // 8th December 2k18 // Saturday Windy but Dry for now, hello weekend.

in #daily-diary6 years ago

Good morning to you from your gingerbread mountain range! Looks like you had a late night last night, hope you get a really good sleep and you give mommy plenty of hugs eh? I know you will, Christmas time can be that overwhelming time of the year like I mentioned the other day with emotions flying around like in a big crescendo moment, I know you know but just be extra aware of it — try and meditate whenever it get’s a little overwhelm.

Glad you got your vlog done, i’m guessing it took a long time on the internet due to the timestamp on — I’m guessing you just left it running and nodded off to sleep or something, dunno, but well done you for even getting it done, it would not have mattered if you had missed it but I’m glad you did not and got out there and fresh air in your lungs — hope you were watching for bears!

Nothing like nature and the crispness of weather to make you thankful for the warm and the inside and the roof over your head for certain, that’s always something to be thankful for, I don’t think I’ll ever think different after seeing ‘the road’ — that hit me super hard in the gut when he died at the end and left his son like that, so painful all around for everyone involved but the reality of the life.

Hahah! I can totally see that your house is on the right hand side because it’s so OCD and organised and over the top EXTRA, I mean biza you have a pathway, windows have bling, you have a reeth at the apex, lattice with bling, some kind of like snowed over trees, you’ve really out done yourself with that one biza — wow, the precision of it all, I’m digging the fact that mum plopped the ginger bread man straight up on the roof like ‘there, it’s done’ Ha! :)

Omg you actually have like frosting like frosting on the roof life icicles and stuff, hahah, you really went it on that biza, might be an idea to bring yours home so it does not add more stress to your mum with moving and such like because she will feel bad throwing them out — dunno, depends when that’s all happening and such like.

Kinda prime time for manual labour work at this time of year, I think for definite next year if I have fully sorted transportation I’m definitely gonna go in on the ‘hours’ of a part time job over the Christmas period wherever we end up in the journey next year, I think that will really help offset the days, of course ideally we will have all the residuals pumping by then — that’s the first route of course :)

We got some wind here today (and last night) and I’m expecting it to bring some of that ‘fast rain’ or ‘spitting’ as my grandmother used to say, it’s ok, ’it’s spitting it won’t last long’ she would say to me while trying to cover up my face with a poorly performing umbrella not fit for purpose — man if I think back so much of the stuff that my parents and grandparents had that was plastic and just garbage that they though was good, under performing hair dryers, snapping brittle plastic tools, it really was complete junk, no wonder the worlds gone to shit when it comes to where that stuff has ended up in the water/watertable.

Keep it light Phil, keep it light. . think I’m gonna make a run shortly to the stores before poppet is dropped in today, if I get a few supplies then I’ll be in good shape and I get a little pay out tomorrow so I can upgrade the project a little to take it through till early next month — I’m really enjoying how it’s going, it’s always awesome to login and see everyones videos.

Hmm, what else to tell you, had my supplements, gonna swap out the water and do the pots, I’ve not got loads so I think I can get everything done in the next hour and I want to make Bella sit through an hour of me doing the video so she can see how much work is involved in it and how that whole process works, she really needs to see behind the scenes.

right now all I want for Christmas is the resources to get my transportation situation locked down, if we have that we have so much more extra freedom than before, literally we can jump in and head to places for walks we don’t usual do, combine that with hot chocolate wake up mornings and breakfast and co-working, go and do a shop, re-up on stuff we already have, that’s one of the things that I wanna do this year, is to have supplies already in for months ahead, to build in that window — even if we have a pot of coffee if we have spare resources we get more of it.

I think that’s everything covered going through my head this morning biza, I’m glad your with mum, give her some hugs from me today, make sure she is well and feels loved and knows that you are there for her whenever she needs it, I know when your older that’s always a think that hits hard at Christmas time — we have so much going on it’s hard to focus on anything else apart from the mad sprint between now and the start of 2019 right, especially as we spent the last year laying the foundations of the next six months.

I hope you got plenty of rest and the mum and bogie time is serving you well this morning, I’m gonna go and do all the things now, get in my nature walk in the wind and light rain and then get back and do the pots and everything that Bella does not wanna do because she will be on a high after her play date last night I’m sure — i know the first thing she will do is jump in the hammock anyway and zone out probably because she’s not slept much! :)

I’ve got the idea of making a kinda cheesy pasta thing today for her anyway, give her some cold weather foods and treats and just generally let her relax and get herself together, hopefully find out about her week and then constantly shake my head about how she’s growing up so fast and how tall she is, she’s nearly at the same height as me, you won’t believe it when you get here — she’s shooting up literally every week, she’s gonna be a tall one! :)

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,


Morning my loves thank your for writing me I know you’ve got a lot going on 💗 I had some patchy sleeps but I think I’ll be good to go and plan on having a chill one.

You’re right about taking the time to center things can and are intense this time of her and I want to be available but also stay focused. Transport for sure for Christmas I’m with you in effort and intention for that one for sure

Morning my mouse I’ll see you in discord!

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yayay, good morning! just spoke to ya on discord, yeah little manic today, wanna get 1hr of words done, the video edited, pots done before little mini arrives! :)

mostly done! :) ready for the arrival of mini mouse! :)

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