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RE: Hold the cat - and maybe add #dailypetdrawing to DailyPetPhotography - Day 711!

A stirring of pity for Bobi, @carolkean? Say it ain't so! LOL!

I feel for every stray, even the ones who look like they're the picture of health, because if everything was all right for them, they wouldn't be on their own.

We had a stray dog in our neighborhood last year, a large and absolutely gorgeous probable lab mix, who had one of the most gorgeous coats I've ever seen . . . he was jet black, but his fur shone golden in sunlight, and in my car's headlights at night. And he seemed to be fairly well-mannered and sweet, at least as well as I could tell from my car.

I tried to befriend him, but he shied away when I got out of my car, no doubt due to cruelty he had already received at the hands of others. So I called our local animal shelter, gave them a precise location, and left it in their hands.

Three days later, I was still seeing him on our street, and called again. A couple of days after that, he disappeared, and when I discussed it with my next-door neighbor, she said that her husband told her that he'd seen a black dog about his size that had been struck and killed on Highway 70S, a couple of miles from us. Damn.

I never did call to find out what happened to Hunter, our neighbor's dog that I tried to adopt, before he got hit by a car. I just couldn't bring myself to call, even though I know that the Cookeville shelter is really good about finding homes for their adoptable animals, partly because I still wanted to bring him home.

Then again, they never featured him on their website, which tells me that as young, sweet, well-mannered and gorgeous as he was, we was likely adopted pretty quickly, despite having three legs.

I pray that he now has a stable and loving forever home. He's an absolutely wonderful dog, very loving and loyal, and anyone would be lucky to have him.


Unrelated question, @carolkean: do you have a favorite book-writing software that you use and can recommend?

I've been using Open Office for over a decade, but now that my manuscript is in the hundreds of pages, it keeps crashing, and that's even after I split it into three files.

ohhh, the lab mix in headlights, the 3-legged Hunter... all strays steal my heart, too, and Bobi did a snow job on me, or he wouldn't have stolen his way into our home. Last night when our youngest came home, he attacked her with what some claim is affection, but I'm mystified that his bites are intended as tokens of appreciation. I think he's being evil. Why? Because she's the youngest and most defenseless against him?

I use Microsoft word and Google Dox. Most writers like Scribner. Scrivener.
You MS keep crashing? That hasn't happened to me with my 500-page behemoth, even after paring it down to 350 pages, with Word. I haven't found a way to print via google. (I know, i know)

Looking forward to your MS!!!!!

Yeah, I had the full boat MS Office program for years, every stinking update, but I finally got sick of it and went to Apache Open Office, which is open source.

I'm not a big fan of Microsoft and Windows in general, especially with all the Windows 10 forced updates. That said, I have yet to make the leap to Linux, even though I prefer using it. Hopefully one day soon.

Scrivener is what I've been thinking of getting, as several writers have sung its praises, so I guess I'll give it a shot. Thanks for your input, @carolkean.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

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