Daily Joke : Announcement

in #dadjoke6 years ago (edited)

Good morning children!

It is due to the wonderful cleanup operations team on steemit, that the account @dadjokeoftheday has been classified as spam and after little deliberation it seems that there is simply no way i can directly source you a daily joke straight from the internet without tremendous downvoting.

Although everything on the page is written, posted and designed by myself (apart from the hand selected jokes), I have been asked by the @steemcleaners team to add more original content or face continual downvoting into oblivion!

But where will we get your daily puns from now on I hear you ask?

Fear not!

The show will go on. For I am extremely lucky to work and live in a creative environment with many a smile, and with many smiles comes MANY puns and dad jokes.

Therefore, each daily joke will be either created by me, personally sourced from my work place or sourced from the comedy legends at http://icanhazadadjoke.com and posted here daily - same time, same place.

I ask all 223 of you pesky kids followers to keep checking back on the page in these hard times, because your daily joke may be hidden with downvotes and may not come up in your feed anymore.

Thank you for your support and patience and keep smiling legends!

And of course, not forgetting your daily dose:

My mate Barney want's to quit his job, i told him he should send a chocolate penis to his boss - but he politely dicklined.

Terrible? We know!

Follow us for more daily Dad jokes and enjoy your day, ya piece of shit!



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