Dad Tip of the Day: Night Life

in #dad6 years ago

Dad Tip of The Day: Learn to enjoy a different kind of night life.

I am sure many guys out there enjoy the night life like me – the staying out late with friends, going to a party, hanging out at the beach, playing poker all night, hitting the sports bar with buddies, date nights etc. However, when the kids start coming, your night life changes from being wild and carefree, to being on call for kids needs all night. At this point, all you hope for is a night off where the kids sleep the whole night through, therefore, you want no “night life” any longeer.



For many guys (really everyone), this life change takes some adjustment. The priority shifts from you and your desires to whatever your kids need – your focused time and energy will be in different places. Not all of the old night life needs to stop, but for a season while the kids are young, you will see that your efforts are needed at home during the night, causing less time for the old night life.

Even though this is a big shift and night life with kids can be tough, take heart, the efforts are worth the reward in the form of love from your kids!!! Definitely a prize worth the dedication!! You might even come to find you enjoy the night life with kids… maybe a little…

Have a great day my friends,


My "Night Life" with my ~19 month old son involves putting him down to sleep, eating dinner with my wife, watching 1 or 2 episodes of a show on Netflix, then going to bed.

That's an exciting Night Life with a kid! :)

Being a parent doesn't mean you have to stop having fun, it's all about organizing your time, hiring a good nanny and enjoying the nightlife! We also deserve to enjoy ourselves! Have fun, you deserve it too and your wife too.

Let me tell you that they look beautiful it is good that they have time for you, you are right when children come into our lives that nightlife changes from little to little or almost nothing and more when they are little that require a lot of care and attention but from time to time You can enjoy those nights in pairs. Good night

yep, it's a whole different kind of Night Life once the kids arrive!

Even though I do not have children, I have friends, yes and I see them and I tell myself these times are good, although with the family they are better. I think we should enjoy each stage of our lives, if without stopping to have fun, sometimes and the others spend time. with your children, you look very cute, you have a nice family friend @brian.rrr

The priorities change, since with a child the nightlife is not the same but you can still enjoy it. Maybe it's not a disco until dawn, but a little visit to a bar until midnight.

Excellent advice of the day of papa @brian.rrr. No doubt everything you write in your publication is true, for now I am not a father, but I am clear that when children come into our lives the nights become nights of care and time for them, since the duty of us as parents is to take care of them and protect them first of all, when the children are small they are first them than anything else, so when you have to postpone a night out just because you have to take care of the children you have to do, that looks a lot In movies, small children at night are the hours where they most require care. Of course, but of course it's never too late to go out and enjoy at night, the any time you can go out and enjoy yourself as you did before having children should be taken advantage of. All your advice I have taken much into account my friend, because as I said I am not yet a father, but I have certainly learned a lot about the subject, so when it comes to me to be pope, I think I will be prepared physically and mentally for the care of them. Again, thanks for these wonderful tips, I really take them into account. Happy day for you and your family.

great post , I think most parents with identify with it !

Ohhhhh yeah...... I know about that having four children. We did what we could, when we could and the kids saw that. They knew we enjoyed each other in which that is healthy for them to see.

Yes. Indeed. I have seen many people really struggle with this transition. I wonder if dads seem to have a harder time because the pregnancy period already starts to change the reality for moms. From alcohol, to sleep, to what they feel comfortable doing. While dads can, and often do, continue business as usual until really pressed with the issue.

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