To The Crypto I am Not Touchable Nuts: President Trump bans deals in Venezuela's crypto-currency

in #cyptocurrency7 years ago

AFP/Getty Images
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro launched the crypto-currency last month

Time and again people believe that because Crypto is a blockchain technology there is no way to stop it or it's use. Today President Trump did just that when he banned Venezulea's new crypto currency from being used within the US.

President Donald Trump has signed an executive order barring US companies and citizens from dealing in Venezuela's crypto-currency, the Petro.

Anyone found in violation of this ban by doing any of the following:

It bans "all transactions related to, provision of financing for, and other dealings in, by a United States person or within the United States, any digital currency, digital coin, or digital token" issued by Venezuela's government since 9 January.

People could find themselves facing stiff penalties, fines and prosecution by the United States government. This new Petro currency and blockchain isn't going to protect these people, it's going to leave proof positive forever of the violations brought against them.

The meaning of this post is for those who think they are untouchable because there's no one to prosecute because it's a technology...but behind every technology is the person who created it and if you can't stop the person you can stop or limit the currencies influence. That's why currencies need fair rules to all not claims that abuses were never meant to be stopped because it's the creators responsibility to ensure that distribution and wealth accumulated can't be robbed easily by another's openly allowed abuse. There may not be regulations or those who say it can't be regulated but the simple truth of the matter is this: a government can ban a currency making it worthless within the boundaries of that country and they can do it regardless if they could stop that technology or not because the truth is is that most citizens of any country where the currency has been banned are not going to invest in that currency therefore diminishing that currencies value as a whole. No one's untouchable, no technology is untouchable because there will always be people behind it to make it work, without people behind it it's useless. Better to build a better duck and get all your ducks in a row because no one's going to jail in defense of your currency. That you can take to the bank.


This new Petro currency and blockchain isn't going to protect these people, it's going to leave proof positive forever of the violations brought against them.

How long do people have to divest?

I don't know, it was a press release today that didn't say much, I am not even sure he's issued any currency yet under his plan. Even if he did with the current sanctions I doubt anyone in a country who has sanctions placed against them went ahead and invested.
The whole point of the post was just to show that blockchains will not make those behind them unaccountable for their actions if lawsuits are brought forth as we are seeing with one of the current currencies. The article just shows that one way or another there's a way governments can penalize them for their actions or lack thereof.

it seems like not the best way to hide transactions in the long run.

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